Chapter 44

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Roddy POV

To be continued

I was running, carrying Kaylan at the same time to the car after that big ass shooting in the club, mad ass nigga.

I had to carry her because her leg is still very sensitive and she was limping, so.

Me and Kaylan stole his gun, and I quickly put Kaylan in the passenger seat before closing the door and quickly running to my side.

I seen Caresha and Malcom running to their car and me and Malcom made eye contact.

"You good?!" I yelled to him.

"Yea bro! Go head!" He yelled back and I nodded my head quickly getting in the car and starting it up, instantly driving off.

"You aight baby?" I asked as I was focusing on the road.

"Yeah. We gotta get rid of the gun" Kaylan said.

"Yeah I know. I was thinking we could throw it in the lake or something" I said.

"Yeah let's go head and get there" Kaylan said and I nodded my head.


Kaylan POV

Roddy pulled up to this lake that was extremely ducked off.

"I got it baby" I said grabbing the gun.


"I got it. If somebody sees me here, they ain't gone think anything of it. But if somebody sees you, a black man, at that. They're automatically gonna think you did something. You know how that go" I said, he sighed and nodded his head.

"Aight baby.. Just hurry. And don't walk too fast on your leg" He said.

"I won't" I said getting out the car.

I walked towards the lake, and took a deep breath before throwing the gun in there, far as fuck.

I looked at the lake for a second and instantly remembered.. Me and Lynn used to come here all the time. And just look at the lake, and talk. I miss my sister. I sighed a little.

I looked over and seen a guy sitting by the lake just staring at it. I scrunched my eyebrows seeing it was Jonathan.

"Oh my gosh..." I said.

I looked at the car and mouthed "Hold on" to Roddy holding up one finger.

I walked over to Jonathan, sighing a little. I know he going through it.

"Jonathan?" I said and he looked over at me. "Kaylan?? Wassup?" He said getting up and giving me a hug.

"Nothing much. Why you here?" I asked. He sighed.

"Me and Lynn used to kick it here all the time. We just talked, ate, listened to music, allat" Jonathan said.

"Me and her used to come here too.." I said.

"We even made love here before." He said and I made a face.

"Okay, I didn't need to know that" I said and we both laughed a little.

"Sometimes I don't even know what to do with myself anymore Kay.. Feels like I lost half of me." Jonathan said.

"I know.. I'm sorry. I deal with that everyday. My sister was my other half you know? But she wouldn't want you sad, or in pain like you are.. I know she wouldn't." I said.

"I wish I had more things of her, besides our pictures and videos. Sometimes I can't even look at them to be honest, just kills me on the inside" He said.

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