'Pretty Boy Diggory'

Start from the beginning

You looked at Cedric who had a cute smile on his face, "So 'Pretty Boy Diggory, what's that about?"

You started laughing, "Oh you heard that? It's the Gryffindor nickname for you, Fred and George made it up,"

"Wait, all of Gryffindor calls me that? Wait, you think I'm pretty?" He questioned with a sly smile.

"Yes we all call you that, and two, maybe," You grinned at him, "Okay where are you taking me?" He was leading you through a hallway.

"Don't worry it's a surprise," He grabbed your hand which caused both of you to blush. You continued walking, but couldn't help smile at the sweet boy holding your hand leading you to a surprise. You almost forgot about him. Almost.

It was just your luck that you happened to be so caught up in Cedric you didn't notice Filch walking through the hallway. You accidentally bumped shoulders and you quickly apologized. You looked into Filch's deep blue eyes, they were like two big oceans.

"Don't worry about it y/n," He said with his trademark smile. 'Fuck he's so cute'

You tried to hide your blush, and even Filch had a little pink erupting in his cheeks. He said goodbye and strolled away. You totally forgot your hands were enlocked with Cedric Diggory's for a moment until he spoke up.

"What was all of that about?" He asked, watching Filch walk away.

You panicked, did he know your secret? Did he notice the blush? "What?"

"Mr. Filch was being nice to you. I thought he was a total grump. He's mean to every student,"

"Oh, he's been nice to me ever since, I helped find his cat," You lied through your teeth hoping he wouldn't notice your lie.

"That's nice of you to help him. Still weird that he's nice to you, but maybe he has a soft side. Anyways, we are almost to my surprise," Cedric had the biggest grin on his face which was adorable, but you couldn't stop thinking about Filch's eyes and his bright smile.

Cedric led you outside you were confused as to why, but you kept following him. He finally led you into the Forbidden Forest. You didn't go too far into the forest, so you would be safe.

"Wow, 'Pretty Boy Diggory' prefect of the Hufflepuffs, one of the top students, and Hogwarts triwizard champion breaking the rules?" You teased with an amused smile on your face.

"First, I break rules," He said trying to play cool, but ended with a knowing grin "Sometimes. That's not the point, of course I would break the rules for you. That's part of the surprise," Did Cedric slip up and say he would break rules for you?

"Well, I'm still waiting for this surprise, and hopefully it's before I break my ankles," You said while stepping over a branch cautiously.

Cedric stopped and then let you know you were almost at the surprise. He finally dragged you through the last branch, and led you into a secluded part of the forest. There was flowers everywhere, and a small picnic set up.

"Wow, all of this for me?" You asked amazed at his effort.

"Of course, anyways I'm sorry for taking so long I wanted to make sure I had everything set up perfectly for you,"

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