Zombies and Masks

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Practically dragging Tobi out of bed with the cooperation of Shiro he eventually awoke, allowing you to return to outside the bounty office you once recently visited. As expected, Kakuzu was always punctual; in fact Hidan exclaimed that he was ahead of schedule and even took the time to grab a bounty on the way to Hidan's annoyance. Clearly they travelled through the night, you know that Kakuzu can work on lack of sleep. He explained that he did that often when he went rogue from his village but Hidan? Poor guy loves his rest, he can't go without it otherwise he's more of a pain in the ass to Kakuzu. However Kakuzu was eager to get this over with so he pushed his partner to accept the small pitstops they'll take but that was it. Hidan had the prime opportunity right now because his partner was in there now, counting the money. Therefore your arrival was more of a godsend to him as he can comfortably nap without the risk of an ambush as you awaited with Tobi and Shiro, who also wanted to be a part of this mission. Sure, the Jashinist could have slept with one eye open in case of being snuck up on but that wasn't worthy enough to Hidan. The bags under his eyes screamed for sleep.

"What's taking him so long?" Shiro mumbled in boredom leaning against you on one side and Hidan asleep leaning on your other side. You sigh with irritation from the lack of personal space you're given by the two but you couldn't really complain.

"I don't know, how long has it been?" You said looking up to the sun, still.. you couldn't figure out time well. This was the only time you would truly miss modern technology such as a watch or a mobile phone when it came to circumstances like this.
"Tobi would say maybe an hour" He spoke through the chews of sweets.

A grunt of frustration was heard from behind you, sending a jolt through Hidan who awoke in an instant, to sum it up that noise was his alarm clock 80% of the time. Peering over your shoulder you saw two briefcases, "Two huh? Big bounty?"

"He owed me for doubting you last time"

You chortled out at his response and took the cases off of him, sending them to the cave for ease. This was indeed the only time Kakuzu would ever allow anyone to hold his money. Upon returning, Kakuzu led the way towards the target at hand. "So what's the mission?" you asked.
With a look from the corner of Hidan's eye he spoke, "We're headed to my stupid old village"
A tilt of your head towards his way showed your curiosity, "What's stupid about it? Okay you went rogue but..how come?"

"That stupid village gave up on everything to become a ridiculous tourist attraction. So you know what I did? I went on a killing frenzy! Those assholes.." You sweat dropped at his response, of course Hidan went on a massacre spree, otherwise it simply isn't him.

"Get to the point, she asked what the mission was" Shiro spoke with aggravation in his voice because he finally gave into Tobi to letting him sit on his back, though the deal was if he spoke or annoyed him anymore then he simply will be chucked off in an instant; it didn't help you gave Shiro pleading puppy dog eyes purely for the fact that you thought the sight would be cute.

Kakuzu decided to take over, knowing that Hidan isn't the best person to brief information but also due to the fact that he already had an idea that Tobi didn't reveal the details either. "Leader wants us to capture 'Nobu Nakamura'. He's to be taken to Pain himself for interrogation".

"So...why all of us?"

"Leader actually thought you'd be ideal for this mission however I persisted because...I want his head, for money".

Well of course, that made sense.

Hidan, howling out a sound of utter irritation causing you two to give him a side look of perplexion. "This is so not my type of mission! When do I get to please Jashin dammit?! He's gonna punish me at this rate.."

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