Chapter 2: A New Type of Ghost

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"So this is the place?"

'What the-' someone was in your living room right now. And it was a voice you didn't recognize.

"Yes, it is," that was the blond ghost's, err, Prosciutto's voice.

'Why is he back?' You frowned, feeling anxiety begin to build within you again.

  Wanting to know what was going on, even though everything in you was screaming for you to hop out your bedroom window and disappear into the night, you hold your clothes tightly and begin a carefully planned walk to your bathroom to shower.

  Prosciutto was busy watching the other man, a ghost like himself. Said ghost was standing at the entrance to your kitchen, peering in, presumably taking in every detail of your home. Your private sanctuary. Where ghosts most certainly weren't allowed.

  You took in as much of his appearance as you could before you reached your bathroom. He was fairly tall, with dark brown hair pulled into multiple pigtails. He wore a black and white shirt with black pants, complete with green and purple accents. His outfit reminded you far too much of your mattress. You couldn't risk staying in there for too long. Not with your heart racing. Not when they were there.

  What you could do however, was linger inside the bathroom for a bit before taking your shower, and listen in to their conversation. It was another risk, but the safer one to take in your opinion. You could just make yourself look busy by looking at the back of your shampoo bottle in case they decided to pop in and invade your privacy even more.

"What's the point of even being here? Seems like a waste of time if you ask me," you heard the pigtailed ghost ask through the door.

  "I'm not asking you. I'm telling you to keep watch here until someone else gets sent to take your place Illuso," Prosciutto coldly replied, "Wherever they go, you go. You will note anything suspicious you see and report it to either me or Risotto. That's an order."

  You could practically see that piercing blue gaze of his, as cold and intimidating as it was in the alley last night. A shiver ran down your spine, thankful you weren't out there right now.

  Quickly, you take a shower, not wanting to be in there for longer than you had to be, especially since you weren't sure what this new guy would be like compared to Prosciutto. 'Hopefully he won't be as intimidating and difficult to fake ignorance around...'

  Why were you even being watched in the first place? What exactly had you done? You ran up to that murder scene, sure, but you surely hadn't done anything that would warrant being kept under watch.

  'Report anything suspicious?' You thought, 'Suspicious how? What could I do that would count as suspicious? They don't know I can see them or else they'd confront me directly... they don't make any attempt to keep their conversations secret... and they tortured that woman's ghost in front of me...'

  You paled, 'The woman! I left her alone! Is she still back in that warehouse?' She was a ghost, but she was still a person in your eyes. One that you firmly believed didn't deserve anything that happened to her, though you didn't know anything about her. You couldn't risk going back to the warehouse to check until these other ghosts left you alone, but until then you could only hope she was okay. Once you were alone again, you could try and help her pass on.

  'I haven't given them a single reason to keep an eye on me,' you were starting to go into the same ghost detective mindset you slipped into when figuring out how to help ghosts move on. 'Yet I've met not one, but three ghosts that know each other, and I've heard of one other. So they're obviously a group... but how big?'

  You had wandered into your room by now, still deep in thought. 'And why are they all hanging out together? I mean it's not unusual for ghosts to sometimes hang around other ghosts they knew in the past... but these guys don't really seem like the type to make friends,' you pondered, 'and they're clearly dangerous.'

  Unless one of them carelessly said it around you, you couldn't know for certain who these men were and what they wanted, including why they were following you. It was all so confusing. You had never met them before and yet they deemed it necessary to send someone to watch you. So until then, you'd just hope they'll realize you're not worth their time. By this point, you were giving yourself a headache trying to wrap your head around it all. Slipping on your nightclothes, you realize something.

  'Where is he?' Prosciutto had definitely left by the time you had finished your shower, but this Illuso guy was nowhere to be seen. 'Wasn't he supposed to be keeping watch of me?'

  'I did hear him say he thought it was a waste of time,' you thought, walking into your bathroom again to brush your teeth. Still no sign of him or his pigtails.

  'Maybe he's slacking and wandered off,' you began to relax a bit as you brushed, 'that's fine by me. He can slack all he wants.' Glancing back at your mirror, you saw haunting red eyes staring back at you. In the reflection of the mirror, you could see Illuso standing right behind you, his right hand resting on your shoulder, a cocky smirk plastered on his face. You could feel your eyes widen as your heart began to beat faster.

  Nearly shoving your head into the sink, you spit out your toothpaste, "Shit! It's past midnight isn't it?" You hurriedly spill out, hoping to pass off your reaction to him as something else. "I should get to sleep soon..." you mutter out, a bit more quietly.

  You didn't want to turn and look behind you. You didn't want to look to see if he bought what you had said. You didn't want to check and see if his hand was still touching you. You hadn't felt it touching you before, but that doesn't mean you were okay with it. You rinsed out your mouth and began to wash your face to try and give yourself time to calm down. His right hand.... There was no skin or muscle. It was just bone. A boney, skeletal hand was just touching you. How he could still move it, let alone how it got to be that way was beyond you. Not to mention his face. You couldn't see his face before because his head was poking into your kitchen, but you didn't exactly expect to be met with red eyes either... or skin that looked like it had bubbles and blisters on it. And the way he was looking at you... 'God I want to throw up.'

  Turning to leave the bathroom, you try and sneak a glance behind you, only to find Illuso wasn't standing there. 'How did he manage to leave so fast?' Briefly turning to look back toward the bathroom so you could turn the lights off, you catch one final glimpse of the mirror out of the corner of your eye. Illuso's reflection was still there, but he was not standing in the bathroom.

'Nope. I've seen fucking enough for today,' you thought as you stiffly and hurriedly walked to bed.

  'What was that?' You shook slightly, 'Can he turn invisible or something, but the downside is he still has a reflection?' You climbed into bed and yanked your covers over your head, 'Great, now I have some kind of dumb, reverse-vampire like ghost to deal with.' You were slowly losing your composure, your patience, and your sanity. It was as if the universe was going to test you to see how long you could hold out as it threw everything it could your way.

  You could hear footsteps now and your heart leapt again. Based on how loud they got before they stopped, he was inside of your room now. You could hear him shuffle, likely sitting down somewhere to keep watch. Without needing to lift the covers to check, you knew he was probably going to be there the whole night... watching you with those red eyes and that smirk. With that thought, silent tears fell from your eyes from your space under the covers. You didn't feel safe under there, but the idea that he couldn't look at you directly was the only small comfort you had.

  What you had witnessed so far was leagues beyond what you'd ever had to deal with before when it came to ghosts. Or anything for that matter. They couldn't be poltergeists, because they obviously could still communicate and act coherently. They didn't lash out and attack things at random. On the other hand though, they terrified you more than any poltergeist had, and if the others were anything like Illuso, they could do things you had never seen a poltergeist do. 'What makes them so different?' You thought, as you silently cried yourself to sleep.

These ghosts weren't like any you had encountered before. They were a brand new type of ghost. A brand new type of danger.

A Ghostly Requiem | JJBA Part 5 GN!Reader InsertDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora