Chapter 35

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I wake up due to my alarm ringing drastically. I touch random buttons on my phone and fight the urge to fall back asleep again and totally just ditch everything today, but then I realize how important it was for me to get all the extra credit that I can in Drama and I got up. 

I lazily got out of bed and made my way to the shower, not bothering to look around for a towel or my bathrobe. I got in the shower and still had trouble opening my eyes.

I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to wake up if I didn’t even sleep late last night. After I left from rehearsals yesterday I came home and did some homework I had to do. Then all I remember after that was eating cereal and using my laptop to watch a movie that I’m pretty sure I fell asleep on, but when I woke up I no longer had the computer on me. It was all weird. 

I turn off the water and think about the situation I put myself in. I totally forgot to bring a towel or a bathrobe. My teeth begin chattering and my body begins trembling. I’m literally standing naked in the shower with nothing to cover myself with. I think about all the things that I could possibly do, but none of them were really… intelligent. 

I think about my only option. 


I don’t just not want to call her because we didn’t really end in a good note, but also I’m not really comfortable with people seeing me naked. I never really been that person that’s like really comfortable with anybody seeing their body. I guess they have their reasons to be comfortable with it. I don’t quite feel that yet I guess.

After a few minutes of deeply thinking and hesitation I finally call her name out. “Kailee.”

The first few times I say it quite quietly and that’s why I hear no response. I raise my voice higher after and hear quick movement from the room.
“Bella?” I hear her morning voice. “Is everything o-okay?” 

“Yes… no. I need a favor.” I say with more embarrassment. “Can you get me a towel from my drawer?”  

“Uh, yeah sure.” I can tell she’s very confused or just very sleepy. 

Few seconds later I hear her knock on the door and I find myself covering what I can with my hands. 

“Um, come in.” I tell her hesitantly.

“I swear I won’t look at you.” She comes in and covers her eyes as she walks near the shower and hands me the towel.

“Thank you.” I sigh in relief and she nods and walks out. 

I finally walk out of the shower and go to the room to get my bathrobe and put the towel on my hair. I look over to Kailee and I see that she’s back to in her bed sleeping. I guess she was out late last night as usual.

I go back to the bathroom and plug in the blow drier and the curling iron. I quickly blow dry my hair and then do big, simple wavy curls. Lastly, I put my hair to the side as I apply my make-up. Only putting on foundation, face powder, a bit of blush and mascara and eye-liner. 

I check the time on my phone and realize I have fifteen minutes to leave. I rush to the closet and pick out light colored jeans. I then get a light-pink knit sweater with a cute heart on it. I finish off the look with black Tom’s and a white beanie that Drew gave me last Christmas when I was obsessed with beanies.

I look at myself in the mirror and see that I actually look okay for something that I put together in like two minutes. I check the time again on my phone and I saw that I had five minutes to get to the drama building. 

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