Finding Love

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Have you ever had one of those days where you wish you could just go back in time? For me today was one of those days when things wouldn't go my way. I guess I should start from the beginning.

I woke up this morning thinking this was going to be a great day. Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be. I started my morning off as I usually would with a cup of coffee. For some reason my coffee maker wouldn't work and I just bought it last month! Then my hair wouldn't cooperate and I ended up having to put my hair in a frizzy pony tail. Then on my way to work this morning I couldn't start my car.

So, I finally get to work and I race for the elevator. Right as I get there it closes in my face! I have to wait five minutes for the next one to come down. Then just as I'm getting on a man in a business suit came out of the elevator at the same time. I'm in such a rush at the time that I didn't see him and we bumped heads. I felt such an amazing sensation as he grabbed my arm to hold me up. I thought I might faint at the feeling and his pure beauty! I didn't even have time to catch his name. But I hope one day soon we will meet again. I don't have time to over analyze it I'm already late AND ON MY FIRST DAY!!!!! If the week continues anything like this I'm not going to make it or I'll lose my job, which could be worse? But you know what they say 'It always gets worse before it gets better' although if my week gets any worse I might just blow a fuse!!

Anyway, after my morning mishap my day got a little better but then it got ALOT worse. My new boss wasn't at her desk when I got there so no one noticed I was late! Then her PA showed me around and to my new desk. I didn't get my own office but what would you expected after all I have only been out of grad school for only eight months. Many people from the floor came to my desk to introduce themselves but I bairely remember anyones name! This one jacka** kept flurting with me. I was about to drop kick him (thanks to my BFF who made me take kickboxing after those string of attacks). That was aboout as good as my day got. I got off work and had to call a taxi because of my car the driver got lost. I wouldn't pay him because his GPS was messed up and I wasn't paying $50 for something that should have cost half as much! Then when I got home I couldn't find anything to eat. So I tried to make something. It's half way decent excepst for the fact I have no clue what it is! I then didn't get my paycheck until Friday and I was behind on my rent. This is the story of my life (Elizabeth Walker) and how I found true love (or it found me)!

Authors note- Please tell me what you think but don't be too harsh. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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