Maka and Lilica together? And Crimson wakes up

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I look at Crimson who is laying in bed sleeping and I am worried about her I wonder what she's thinking right now and I wonder if she wakes up she would like Lilica as a friend "Guys can I h-have alone time w-with Crimson and kid please?" I asked everyone nodded and left leaving me alone with kid and Crimson then Kid asked "Alright what is it what's wrong?" I sighed and said "About that sword dude that me and Crimson battled he cut her pretty badly with the sword and Stain said that her cut is life threatening and that I might not b-be able to use her ever again." I started crying and kid hugged me allowing me to cry in his shoulder and he said "Hey don't think of that she's a fighter and we both know that she will make it through this And we are certain of it."


We all walked out except for kid cause Bethany wanted to talk to him about whatever she's talking about anyway we were sitting in the hall near the nurses office and Lilica managed to sit next to me and I looked at her and smiled and said "So Lilica how do you like the DWMA so at?" She shrugged and said "I-Its a very N-Nice school." Awww she stuttered how adorable wait am I falling in love with Lilica no I can't be that's crazy she just a friend a over cute friend no snap out of it but I can't "Why do I like Lilica?" I covered my mouth after realizing what I said then Lilica asked "Y-You like me?" She sounded very happy I nodded and said "Y-Yeah I d-do." Damn stutter then out of the blue Lilica crashed her lips onto mine and I don't know what gotten into me but I guess I kissed back was it because I loved her or because kissing her felt right in a way.


I slowley open my eyes and I see Bethany Crying in Kids shoulder that bitch!!! I think to myself and then I clear my throat and say in a raspy voice "H-Hey guys." Then kid looked at me and ran to me and hugged me and said "Thank goodness you're awake." I chuckled and said "Ouch easy easy with the stitches." Then he let go and said "Sorry." Then Bethany said "I'll go get the others." I smiled and nodded and Bethany opened the nurses office Door she saw Maka and some girl kissing and I gasped and smiled an said "Whos that girl Maka was just kissing?" Kid chuckled and said "A new student that just transferred here today." I giggled and kissed kid and said "I love you." Then he kissed me back and said "And I love you more." Then I looked at Maka and winked and furrowed my eyebrows at her and she blushed and I giggled and Soul laughed and said "HAHAHAHAH MAKA KISSED LILICA HAAAAAAAAAA LESBIANS!!!" Then Maka, Maka chopped Soul with a book and I giggled and said "Oh how j missed everyone well its good o be back even if its a little different then before so Maka are you and Lilica an item now?" She blushed and said "Yeah." I squealed and said "EEE you guys would make a totes adorbs couple." Then kid facepalmed and said "Ugh not the girl talk again I can't handle this talk." And I giggle and said "But you still love me for the talk." I said then pecked him on the lips and hugged him and he hugged back and I smiled and thought 'it sure is good to be back with my friends and boyfriend.'


I sit in a corner nervously I don't know how I'm going to break it to Crimson that the sword we battled did some pretty bad damage to her and it could lead o life threatening issues ugh why did this have to happen to us here and now why not anyone else but us why does he hate us but when I tell he she won't take it to easy 'its all my fault' that's all I keep thinking how its my fault she won't be able o battle ever again ugh this awesome day just turned into a nightmare very quick

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