Act Three: Chapter VI: Close Quarters

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The Resistance were trying to open the door as they heard even more gunshots and growls as They were trying to break the door down but it was no use.

Issac: Dammit....*Contacts Alex* Alex, Can you hear me?

Silence was heard as The Team was now worried if Alex was even alive.

Maria: No no No. Please don't be dead.

Brian: If Alex is dead then we can't stop the Marker.

Esmeray: Dont say that. I know he's alive and fine.

William: I'm tracking his RIG and so far his vitals hasn't dropped at all.

Chris: We have to find him fast.

Ellie: If Hammond sends his soldiers to kill him then it's even more bad news.

Tobias: I already got the door opened for us.

Monica: The CEC has a industrial transport that can lead us to the Government Sector.

Michelle: That's one way of saying it. Let's get going and dont split up.

The Resistance has no choice but to get going as Brian was again starting to talk to himself.

Daniel: This is bad. He's acting even more unstable then before

Monica: I'm starting to have doubts on him too.

Issac: Let's just get going everyone.

Esmeray: Let's hope everything goes well for us.

Chris: Let's hope so too.

Meanwhile Alex was on the other side as he shot the lurker in the head as Alex got inside the CEC Facility and shot the control panel as a huge metal door squashed the Slasher killing it instantly. Alex was trying to catch his breath as He looked around and saw a dead soldier with some plasma energy along with some pulse rounds as He grabbed it and left.

Alex heard weird sounds as He took cover and looked to see what it was.

Alex heard weird sounds as He took cover and looked to see what it was

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Alex: What the hell?

The Monster was making some strange sounds as It was climbing on the walls and spit acid on the dead soldier as it crawled back inside the vent and Silence was heard. Alex got out of cover as He saw the dead soldier which was now a skeleton as Alex decided to keep going.

Alex continued walking through the Facility until he heard sounds of children laughing as He was holding his head.

Alex: Not a good time to start seeing things.

Alex was holding his head until he saw a Slasher staring at him as Alex shot its head and legs killing it instantly.

Meanwhile The Resistance managed to fix the Industrial Transport. The Transport had some missing parts. The Transport was missing fuel and a couple of components but luckily the Team found the repair dock and got all the parts they need along with fuel.

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