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Song is Nightmare By Avenged Sevenfold. 

Lily's P.O.V

I had my chance. But I think letting Dustin out is better. His friends will see who he really is. But I think I should play with his friends a little. Who first? I'm in the North Village again. Robert doesn't know I am here. I see him though. The guy with the green headset around his neck and a girl that just turned back into a human are talking with Robert. Wait that girl is an ender. Interesting. They seem important. I'm going to follow them. They both turn back into enders. Wait they both are. Even better. But I'm more interested in the girl. They go in the sky. They are going towards the base. I follow them. 


They are friends of Mitch. Even better. I know what to do. I focus on the girl. I put a spell on her. I smirk. He will have fun with her. 

Ghost's P.O.V

I'm back. My eyes widen. How?! I'm good like that. I look at Ty. I can't control myself. 

"Ty." He looks at me. 

'What?" Bye Ty. No. I'm pushed to the back of my mind. I grab Ty's ankle. He goes in his human form. How?! 

'Ghost!" Ty yells. I throw him on the ground. Ty! Stop! Who are you anyway?! Insanerock. I land on the ground. 

Ty's P.O.V

What is Ghost doing? Ghost lands a couple of feet away from me. I look at her. My eyes widen. She's different. Her eyes are blood red, and her wings have holes in it and are red with black ends. What the heck happen? I was next to her the whole time! 

"What's wrong Ty? Scared?" Ghost asks. Her voice sends chills though my body. She's gone insane! I'm not gonna fight her. She walks towards me. I crawl backwards fast. She grabs me by the throat and slams my against a tree. I look at her. 

"G-Ghost." I can't breathe. I see a sword form in her hand. She points it towards me. How do I bring her back? Wait. I might know how. She brings the sword down at me. I push her hand off of my neck. I move my head a little. The sword hits next to my head. I grab her wrist. Ghost struggles to break free. I keep a hold of her. I have a hold of both of her wrists. She looks at me with her blood colored eyes. Wait. What the? Ghost smirks. She has jagged teeth. I'm back Ty. No not Enderlox! I push Ghost away. I look at my hands. Claws are coming. No. No. No. NO! NO! Ghost stands there. Some girl comes out. 

"Hmm. Maybe you were more fun then she was." She said. Who's this chick?! 

"Who are you?" My voice is growing darker. 

"I'm Lily. I hope Mitch enjoyed my present I left him. When he wakes up, you will see his true nature. Mitch is a murderer and a liar. It's time you saw it." Lily said. She's lieing. 

"But first two enders. What's next tow brines? They would be fun to mess with." Lily said. 

"You think this is fun!" I sink to the ground. I put my hands on the ground. 

"Yes I do. Have fun Ty!" Lily said. She disappears. Ghost falls on the ground. No. I clench my fists in the grass. Keep control. Stay calm. Don't let your rage control you. Let it control you Ty. You have a lot. Wait your afraid of what you will do aren't you?! No. HA! You are. This is going to be better then I thought. Every time Enderlox is out the sky will turn purple. That's how they will know that something it wrong. But I need to stay calm. You had a nightmare about it. Let's see it. Don't you dare! I see images of it flicking through my mind. I feel tears coming down my face again. I scream. Wings come out of my back. The sky turns purple. I like that it does that. It warns everyone since they all know what that's means. They know that they all need to hide. Because Enderlox is lose on the world. I'm pushed to the back of my mind. My eyes turn red. 

Robert's P.O.V

The sky turns purple. Wait. My eyes widen. 

"Get everyone in the underground base now!" Enderlox is out. Ty what happen? People are rushed down into the underground base. The people in charge of each village knows that if the sky turns purple to send the people underground right away. That's what Sky said. It's for our own safely while Sky and them deal with it. They said we were no match and I believe him. 

"Everyone here?" 

"Yes." Someone said. I close the door and locked it. Go as far away from this door as possible. 

"Everyone stay calm." They look at me. They all go do what they do when they are down here. 

Sky's P.O.V

"Sky the sky is purple!" Jason said. I run outside. He's right. Ty. I look at Seto. 

"Enderlox." Seto said. Where is he? 

"Sky you got to him first and you succeeded. You can do it again. We will protect the recruits. You go." Ian said.They just don't want to face Enderlox, so they are making me do it. 

"Fine. I'll go. But ghost was with him. So I will see if she is anywhere." They nod. I run out of the base. I go in the forest. 

Revenge: Book 6 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now