Connie really didn't want to be a vindictive person at all. That was the farthest thing she wanted to be-but a side of her constantly made it seem otherwise.

She slowly turned over to the sofia, unexpectedly making her anger known as she slammed her locker shut-unnerving her bully a little. She walked to at least a respectful distance towards sofia, where savannah along with the rest of their cronies defensively backed her up.

"Why are you doing this to me, sofia?" frustration was laced in her voice as soon as she looked at her, straight in the eye.

Sofia's glossy pink wicked smirk later transformed to a cold, straight-to the-point one.

"It's just because I just don't like people who are friends with fat, disgusting cows." she confirmed for her-her icy gaze piercing into connie's all the way. Connie immediately realised that she must;ve been referring to darcy-which made her anger magnify into pure rage. "Your stupid boyfriend and that Sabrina bitch qualify. That pathetic transfer student does too. Since you're the school nerd-I suggest you do the math."

Connie just seethed at sofia's response, too immersed her anger to even acknowledge the idle giggling of her posse as they respectively pushed past her.

The darkskinned girl stood there for a while. She felt like breaking down and crying-

Up until the convenient moment where she realised that this really wasn't something a girl like her should do.

Right now was time for her to do something about this-and she knew just where to turn.

The thick pitter-patter of rain resounded outside of the house were raindrops dominated the glass windows.

The school day had eventually came to a close, and even as she was upstairs in the solitude of her new room marinette still fought inside herself as her mind kept going back and forth as she constantly found herself remembering the sudden encounter she had with lila earlier.

A storm of self-loathing and fear swallowed her up as she Lila was back to make her life hell all over again and she thought she finally had a break to get away from the stress of losing everything to her after gina took under her care.

She knew and understood at that moment that everything was fine. The world was fine. Everyone in it was fine. Her granny was fine. That scheming bitch lila was fine. Those traitors were all fine. And as far as she knew, the last time she ever had any face-to-face contact with them she knew that the circle was not exactly fine too-even though things have been more frigid than usual between them lately. Everyone in her life was fine-excluding herself. She was the main problem. She had since established to herself about how pathetic and useless she was-and that the world would be a much better place if she wasn't around. And she didn't exactly blame everyone for leaving her behind and for Steven to treat her the way she did.

At that moment a voice talked itself back to life when she noticed that; *you've already tried that. You've already tried offing yourself. But even then, you couldn't even do that right.*

Hugging her knees as she continued ignoring the loud howling of the storm that sounded through the windows marinette just chose to envelope herself into the solitude of her dark, gloomy room.

With a silent sigh, steven halfheartedly pulled the darkcoloured umbrella over his head to try to protect himself from the wild storm as soon as he stepped out of the front of his car that was neatly parked in the driveway.

Grabbing his house key he walked to the front door of pink's house, where he opened the door. Stepping inside steven closed the door behind him, throwing the umbrella inside the empty basket that stood aside from the door, leaving it inside to soak.

Without warning steven casually immersed himself in his thoughts as soon as he made his way inside. He always considered himself to deserve more better than the constantly changing life he was forced to live now. He prayed to himself that maybe one day the magic will work for him. Then, everything he's going through now wouldn't matter anymore.

As steven walked inside the house, he later peered a bit inside the now dimly-lit sitting room, only to be met with a surprising sight-pink wasn't on her phone as always but it was just her getting cosy with an unidentified man who definitely didn't look anywhere like his father with his arm around her shoulders. Two skinny champagne flutes sat atop the sleek coffee table as the flatscreen tv played silently in the background. The man however chose to break the silence as he suddenly asked pink about steven's sudden presence where pink disregarded the question nonchalantly, saying "oh that was just my stepson". She left it at that, where she proceeded to canoodle with the man where airy giggles filled the room afterwards.

Shaking his head at what he heard and saw before him steven pulled himself back in the hall, wiping any remaining water from the storm away from his face as he escorted himself to his room.

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