Chapter 7- The Phone & The Taxi Driver

Start from the beginning

I see Sherlock snap out whatever trance he was in and starts to pace again.

"Isn't the doorbell working? Your taxi's here, Sherlock." We all turn to see Mrs. Hudson at the door.

What? Sherlock didn't ord-

Suddenly, the chill comes back up my spine and my breath hitches.

"I didn't order a taxi. Go away." Sherlock responds waving his hand at her, shooing her away.

I can't breathe.

"Oh dear." She ignores him completely. "They're making such a mess. What are they looking for?"

I can't breathe.

"It's a drugs bust, Mrs Hudson." John tells her.

I can't breathe.

"But they're just for my hip." She leans in and whispers. "They're herbal soothers."

I. Can't. Breathe.

"SHUT UP, EVERYBODY! SHUT UP!" Sherlock suddenly yells scaring me back into reality. "DON'T MOVE, DON'T SPEAK, DON'T BREATHE,"


"I'M TRYING TO THINK! Anderson, face the other way. You're putting me off."

"What? My face is?" Anderson questions.

"Everybody, quiet and still. Anderson, turn your back." Lestrade tells the people in the kitchen.

"Oh, for God's sake!"

"Oh, for once in your life Anderson, do something helpful and turn the hell around!" I yell at him.

Anderson jumps at my change in mood and turns his back.

"Come on, think! Quick!" Sherlock begins talking to himself out loud.

"What about your taxi?" Mrs Hudson tries to interject again.

"MRS HUDSON!" Sherlock and I both yell.

She stares at us shocked before quickly running down the stairs.

Suddenly, Sherlock freezes. 

"Oh." he states."Ah! She was clever. Clever, yes!" Sherlock begins walking back towards his desk.

"She's cleverer than you lot and she's dead." I stare at him slightly confused trying to jump on his wavelength. "Do you see, do you get it?" He turns to me hopefully and then it clicks.

"She didn't lose her phone, she never did. She planted it on him." I state quickly walking over to Sherlock's computer.

"When she got out of the car, she knew that she was going to her death. She left the phone in order to lead us to her killer." Sherlock begins to explain.

"But how?" Lestrade questions.

"Wha-" I look up from the laptop at him. "What do you mean, how?"

Lestrade looks at Sherlock and I with the same confused expression as everybody else in the room. Sherlock and I look at each other before shouting,


The same blank stares.

"Don't you see? Rachel!" Sherlock tries to get them to understand while I keep typing away on his laptop. It does no good as he still greeted to the same, blank and confused faces. A breathy chuckle leaves his mouth.

"Oh...Look at you lot. You're all so vacant. You're putting on a horrible performance in front of the American. You're making the war make sense now. Is it nice not being me? It must be so relaxing." He sarcastically states to them all.

One Interesting Girl - Season 1 [Sherlock x OC]Where stories live. Discover now