The four Signs were speechless. Aquarius especially, considering his mind was racing a mile a minute. Gem was barely able to keep up. They wasted no time making their way outside.

The others were already in the Field, naturally split into different groups. Phil was making his way to Hecate, who was with Virgo and Capricorn. Everyone else was idly hanging out, or fighting each other in Aries and Scorpio's case. Sag dragged Leo off to the crowd, already finding interest in something else.

Aquarius. Hecate's voice rang through Gem's head, making her flinch. Aqua's eyes widened as he stiffened. Gem knew he heard it, too. Gemini. Come over to meet with the rest of us so your training can commence.

They glanced at one another before teleporting again. Virgo smiled at them, Capricorn was lost in thought. Both of them wore their dark green arm bands and Cap's black tattoos swirled up his arm. Gem didn't want to admit it, but Capricorn was beyond attractive now. At her thought, Cap glanced at her and coughed to cover up a blush.

"Is everyone ready?" Phil asked, dropping his backpack and taking out four apples. He stood back up and dusted off his hands.

A mental affirmation filled Gemini's mind. Yes!

"Great!" Phil clapped his hands. "Hecate, take it away."

"Thank you, Philander." Hecate bowed to him before turning back to the young Signs. "The four of you have psychic powers, as I'm sure you've noticed." Gemini nodded eagerly, already understanding the basics. She smiled at Aquarius, who smirked back. His purple eye was so captivating, Gemini forced herself to look back at Hecate. "Hopefully, you all have already established a connection among yourselves."

Gem nodded again, ready to get the lesson started. Waiting, like many other things that required focus, was not her forte. "We have, Hecate!" She huffed. "What will we do first? Telekinesis? Teleportation? How about mind breaking? Oh, I know! We could-"

Hecate simply raised a hand. "Mastery of all of those abilities will come with much time and much concentration."

"Today," Phil said. "We will be conducting a simple observation test."

At the words, Aqua, beamed, immediately getting almost as ecstatic as Gemini. "A test?!" He exclaimed, letting himself float, too. "What kind of test?"

"The Apple Test." Hecate gestured to the pile of apples. They floated up effortlessly in front of her. "This will tell me all I need about your individual strengths, and how to proceed with training you in the future."

Gem heard doubts and apprehension from Capricorn's mind. He hasn't said anything yet, but Gem knew him to be a man of few words. Hecate answered to his concern with, "I have eyes in ways you don't understand yet. Don't worry, this is all I will need."

The apples drifted to the ground, one in front of each of the novice psychics. Gemini's mind scattered into infinite possibilities on what she could do with the apple before her. Aqua shared his own inquiries, their ideas merging and bouncing off of each other like a fun game of catch.

"With telekinesis," Hecate continued to explain. "You will raise the apple as straight as you can, and move it five feet away from you. Simple enough, right?"

"That's it?" Aqua asked, tilting his head. "You'll be able to derive our psychic strengths and weaknesses with just that?"

"All that and more." Phil said, a smirk pulling at his lips. "There's a lot being put into moving the apple. You'd be surprised, Aquarius. That is, if you can do it."

Gem scoffed, putting her hands on her hips. "Easy!" She said. "It's not gonna be any trouble at all." Aqua's mental amusement rang in Gem's mind, making her smile.

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