Once situated I began following Sarah to the courthouse. Looking down at my phone I saw a incoming call from Sha, before answering I connected the phone to the car.

"Hello " I called out.

"Goodmorning Sunshine." Sha screamed

"Well goodmorning to your happy ass." I stated with a small chuckle

"Where are you? "

"In the car on my way to the courthouse for this meeting."

"Well I was thinking what if Corey and I come visit."

"Of course my godson can come visit whenever he likes now as far as his mother I do believe she's still wanted in the city of Albany and county of Dougherty." I stated trying to hide my laugh. It's true the officer were still looking for her for questioning, the court is still trying to serve her and on top of the somebody filed restraining order.

"Fuck you the courts and damn county of Dougherty we'll be there this afternoon." Sha snapped I could tell she was rolling her eyes before hanging up.

           I'm happy her and Paul are trying to work everything out the engagement didn't get called off so that's a good thing seeing how the DNA test came back and Paul is the father. It was always a fifty fifty chance. Still to this day I will love to know how the hell Shawn found out.

          Shaking Shawn outta my thoughts as we pulled up to the courthouse. I placed my hands over my round stomach " I'm so sorry baby boy just know mommy gone love you unconditional."

        Locking my car doors I began walking up the courthouse steps. After going through security check we step on the elevator I sent Tony a quick text.

To Tony: I need your help with something call you when I leave the courthouse.

         Hearing the elevator open, caught my attention stuffing my phone inside my purse while stepping off the elevator I came face with one of my attorneys.

"How are we this morning ?" Destiny McLean greeted with a warm smile and hug. Destiny is a little older then myself but from her looks she wasn't a day over twenty-five. Her light carmel skin always seem to have a glow to it that complemented her honey blonde highlights and hazel eyes. Destiny's a very petite women that's very demanding and feisty which makes her great in the courtroom with her ninety percent track recorder.

"Extremely happy." I repiled

"Great we're going to need for you to keep that attitude, John is waiting for us inside the third conference room." Destiny encouraged while I followed behind leaving Sarah to wait by the elevator.

       As we approach the conference room I soon remember I didn't know if this meeting was with Jada or Shawn.

"Before we go in I have a confession." I voiced catching Mrs McLean attention

"An what might that be dear?" She questioned a little concern.

"I don't remember who we're meeting with today." I stated a bit

        Destiny let out a little chuckle "Well it's gone to be two of us and John then Mr Williams attorney will meet with us." Nodding my head as I followed Destiny into the room.

"Aren't you glowing this morning." John stated pulling me into a warn hug before pulling my seat out. John McNeil is what you called easy on the eyes. Despite the fact that he wasn't even twenty-nine and was already a partner John was the type that can get any women older or younger to do what he wanted.

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