You're pretty without makeup🙂

Începe de la început


When I got home, I had multiple texts from Ziri, Mia and I.B and I didn’t realize when I entered I.B’s chat.

I.B: Hello

Me: Hi

He wasn’t online at the moment so I switched to Ziri’s chat

Abnormal one:  Avy Dims?

Me: Hello

(After 5 minutes I receive a text)

Abnormal one🤧💝: Isn’t it too early for you to text me back; I wasn’t expecting you anytime soon.

Me: Ah, what’s up with you, on a normal basis you’re ready for the wahala I’m ready to talk to you about

Abnormal one🤧💝: But I always plan my chats and this wasn’t the perfect moment.

Me: I’m sorry please don’t chew me raw

I laughed as I sent the text

Me: I’ll go and talk with Mia

Abnormal one🤧💝: She isn’t available either; love you

Me: I hate you too

Great, today just wasn’t meant for me. I started thinking of what happened today until I was interrupted by my phone’s vibration and I saw it was from I.B.

I.B: How are you

Me: I’m okay just a little bored. Is there anything wrong?

I.B: Not really, I just wanted to say hi

Me: Oh okay

I didn’t want to talk to him but I felt like it was the least I could do

Me: So, how was work today?

I.B: It was boring like always, sitting behind a computer going through documents, attending board meetings and the list goes on

I laughed and I tried to imagine the look on his face which made me blush.(weird)

Me: At least my job is slightly better, I get to actually do something practical and deliver new beings who have to face this wicked world.

I.B: I wish I was a doctor at least I would find an excuse to touch without query😌

I laughed and texted

Me: Pervert😂

I.B: 😏

I.B: So what are you up to?😁

Me: I’m just eating the fast food I bought with some of my friends

I.B: Wow, I never thought you were very sociable

Me: I’m not that active socially but at least I’ve stepped out of my shy zone

I.B: They weren’t lying when they say people change over time; shy Avery, now a hot sociable independent chick

Me: Stop flattering me😂

I.B: I’m just stating the fact😍

Me: Now you’re flirting ☺

I.B: My specialty😌

Me: You never change do you?😂

I.B: I don’t know, you tell me😏

I.B: Maybe we should hang out some time🙂❤

Me: I don’t really know, with all that has happened and all the tasks I do I don’t think we’ll be able to hang out anytime soon

I.B: Please?

Me: I.B please don’t push it

I.B: I’m sorry😔

Me: I need to run some errands I’ll see you later

I said as I switched off my phone and started thinking

‘Dimma, what’s wrong with you? You can’t keep running away your whole life; besides fate brought you back here for a reason so stop running and face your past’ I said to myself

It’s been over 7 years since I left secondary school. I.B really had a huge impact on me and it’s a miracle I picked up and tried making efforts to have a better future for myself.

I remembered those days in the hostel when I was the gossip of the school especially my class; how I would quietly cry at night and have difficulties sleeping, lack of concentration in school, I was so depressed I felt like committing suicide; honestly looking back at it I was wondering stupid I was to allow those things get to me because of a guy; not just anyone, a spoilt rich kid.

My grades dropped badly and of course my parents who were unaware of what I was passing through didn’t help matters in any way; going home was like another form of jail. I felt so suppressed and lonely in that big house but Ziri tried keeping me company most of the times.

I never understood I.B; back then he had a guilty look on his face but behaved like I was an obstacle he just accomplished. I still hated myself for allowing him touch me.

I decided to channel my depression into my studies after I saw my average score in my postal exams; I wanted to be a Doctor but my score wouldn’t let me and I wasn’t on good terms with my parents so they had decided I would change course and study here but I didn’t want to. Most of my classmates were going to the best universities in Nigeria and abroad and I didn’t want anyone stomping on me  and I needed to stay in a different environment free from familiar negative energy so I put in extra effort in my school leaving exams and my hard work paid off but I still had a lot of obstacles to overcome before I succeeded  in going abroad.

I came back here hoping I wouldn’t see some faces but I guess fate had different plans.

Happy new month guys ❤

I hope you all had a wonderful day

P.s: Arietoks cares😄❤❤❤

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