He lifted me up and I tryed not to be embarrassed. I gave him a helping hand to pull him up felt the sting of my wound tug and threaten to split so I quickly pulled him up and let him climb his way through the rest of the way

"Okay remember those metal helmets are loud as hell if you smack one with another so don't do it if you don't want to call attention to yourself if you need to knock someone out hit him really hard in the head by lifting they're helmet and dropping it back down on them"

" won't that hurt them they could get permanent brain damage from that-"

"This is no time for sympathy you knock them out until they can't remember there name"

Kamara slowly walked out the door and the gaurd from before had reached his hand around her waist and smiled down at her

" You know your really pretty for a water tribe girl how about I take you out sometim-"

She lifted herself up and kicked him in the head as hard as she could and kept kicking until He was barely conscious

Zulon and Pokku looked mortified but I was incredibly proud in her change in attitude towards violence

She pulled him into the bathroom and gave the suit to Zulon who awkwardly undressed and put on the tight shoulder pads.

The next three soldiers were easy we just took them out everytime one of them walked past the door and then layed them against the bathroom floor.

I changed into a mans uniform that felt loose in certain places and tight in others. but I admit I did miss the sharp shoulder pads.

Each of us made are way down the hall way some people gave us strange glances but a little confidence that showed this is were where we're supposed to be was all it took for them to look passed us.

Finally I made it to the main hall where we would have to walk with the head gaurd to let us in the lower level He was the same man who served my food everyday.

I see he still had that slightly shorter leg

I put on a solemn face and marched up to him with the three of them behind me

" Hello sir We have direct orders from the fire lord to bring Ozai to the palace after Princess Azulas death"

"Princess Azula is dead! He tilted his head in surprise the poor fire lord  and her mother they must be heart broken after all they did for her"

" Yes it is from what Ive heard Zu- The firelord is planning on giveing him a final punishment"

" He smiled and held his stomach to laugh, well its about time but I didn't get any record of this "

" Are poor firelord is wracked with greif won't even leave his room He didn't bother sending anything he just ordered us to bring him"

" I geuss that makes since he is still a kid, do you need help escorting him"

" No these soldiers and I were trained enough to handle a weak old man"

He smiled and went thrue the keys Okay I'm only letting two of you in if you don't mind"

I waved for Kumara to follow who willed herself forward and was practically breathing down my neck as we got closer to the door

I looked back at Zulon and He nodded and stood against the wall pretending to stand gaurd

We made are way down the familiar hallway of yelling prisoners at least this time their were different insults. They couldn't see my face thrue the helmet so it was mostly common Slurs like fire snake and demon bringer.

Azula Flickering HopeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant