“I’m lost Koji, I don’t know…what to do.”

“Hey, you’ll figure it out,” he took your hand, giving it a firm squeeze. “You did in June, and that was WAY worse than this—I think. Besides, today is Thanksgiving! Let’s pig out. C’mon!” Koji tugged you up and onto his back in one swift movement, you laughing instantly as he sang, on his exit of the room, asking for food.

Just as the teen had said, you feasted that night. After the main course of dishes—consisting not only of turkey and mashed potatoes, but ramen, tofu, and others—pies, cakes, and cookies were served for desert—everyone feeling lethargic soon after. Stories were exchanged too with the laughter of reminiscence lingering in the air, the TV in the background, as you sipped the coffee you were given with the slice of [flavor] pie. Aoi got up after a short while into desert, answering the door then excusing himself to go speak with the neighbors.

A long night, you knocked out at around one AM against Ma-eum who had his arm securely around your shoulders as you leaned against him. Noticing you were asleep, he took the liberty of carrying you to bed before going himself.


Zoom: Phone Call

“Who is it?” Aoi asked Meiyo as she handed him the phone, he going out into the backyard patio.

“It’s Mr. Flourite,” the ravenette answered, going back to working on the fried beef.

Nodding, he put the phone to his ear,” Hello?”

“Aoi-san!” Fai’s voice chirped. “Happy Thanksgiving! How have things been since last month?”

“Same to you,” he half smiled. “It’s been well, very well. Say, how are things on your end?”

“Oh, same old same old,” the blonde chuckled. “You know how the kids are right now—pigging out with Kurogane yelling at them every two seconds.”

“I see,” Aoi chuckled as well. “We’re just about to eat in a while. How is [Nickname]-chan?”

“[Nickname]? Well, ever since she came back from Castle Oblivion a few months ago, she’s been acting different as I said last time we spoke. But, life changing things change people—”


“I support the forgive and forget cause, but [Name] hanging around with girls who once despised her is rather…strange; that, and she has been dating a lot lately. Her actions are even affecting Wasurete. He’s…different in general, and towards other people—never questioning [Name] even though what she’s doing is completely…wrong…There’s also—”

“Aniki~!” another voice whined from the end of the line. “I’m hungry~!”

“Dammit Noa, I’m busy!” Fai snapped suddenly, making Aoi cringe away from the phone slightly. With a sigh, the blonde continued,” Anyways, it may be for the best—who knows? Ah, and I’ll be seeing you tomorrow to see how things are going.”

“Alright, I’ll look forward to it.”

“Great! Till then!”


Zoom: A Neighbor’s Request

A knock came at the door around ten when desert and stories were being shared, the TV showing a Thanksgiving anime marathon. Aoi excused himself to answer it, finding his neighbor with a pained expression.

“Eh? Kazuma-san, what brings you here?”

“I…There’s a new girl staying with you—[Name] is it?”

“Hai, what about her?”

“Well, my nephew says he recognizes her eyes. Do you think he could…,” he trailed off, peeking behind Aoi.

“If I may, Kazuma-san, she’s leaving tomorrow and—”

“Why so sudden?” his frown deepened.

“She needs to take care of some…things.”

“Oji-san?” the raven haired neighbor’s nephew murmured from behind him. “Can I please explain to Aoi?”

“Oi,” Aoi’s eyebrows furrowed. “You’re…What are you doing here?”

He shook his head,” I’m…I’m his brother.”

*15 minutes later*

“I see,” Aoi nodded. “Well, I’ve met him—he’s an absolutely amazing young man.”

“Oh thank god,” Kazuma sighed happily. “He grew up well—that’s good.”

“So…think you can take me?” the teen asked, eyes hopeful.

“No…no,” he shook his head. “You see, [Name]-chan is going—not I. Being the situation she is in, I’d rather you not—not yet. But…I’ll see what I can do in a few weeks’ time okay?”


Translations (SOME of these are NOT the direct word, meaning I took out a few letters to make it into an actual name):

Aoi (Japanese) – Color

Kouki (Japanese) – Noble

Bushi (Japanese) – Warrior

Noriku (Japanese) – Of land

Meiyo (Japanese) Honor

Datenshi (Japanese) Fallen

Oni (Japanese) Brethren

Kakawara (Japanese) Despite

Desu (Japanese) Being

Pyo-si (Korean) Marked

Uragiri (Japanese) Traitors

Shinrai (Japanese) Reliable

Toushi (Japanese) Fighter

Chinmoku (Japanese) Silent

Gaman (Japanese) Patient

Gidal-yeo (Korean) Wait

Attaku (Japanese) Attack

Ada (Japanese) Enemy

Mikata (Japanese) Ally

Ma-eum (Korean) Heart

Bo-ho (Korean) Protect

[KH/FF] Treachery of Fate: Imperfect ImposterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ