Everly 12 - take out and problems

Depuis le début

I smiled, grateful for him. "Thanks. Now come in, it's freezing."

He walked past me but not before tugging at the sweater I was wearing, "Nice sweater." Adding a wink to the sentence.

Blushing a bit I playfully pushed his hand away.

Pausing in front of the mirror he tried to fix his messy brown hair. He ran both his hands through it before giving up. "It's not like I can save this coupe anymore."

We got inside the living room and sat down on the couch. The best thing about Chinese take out food was that our local restaurant packed the food in a way that you wouldn't have to sit down at a table.

As we both started eating after saying our prayers I was surprised at how comfortable we seemed to be around each other. We both had said our prayers out loud, something I only did around my family. Now we were just talking about random things, like how good the food tasted and such.

When we were at mine last night he also seemed to be at peace. I didn't know him that well yet but when I had seen him around town he never seemed like he wasn't in a rush. He always had places to be, striving almost.

I watched him as he got a spring roll from the box and offered me one. I shook my head and pointed to my full plate of food.

"Aren't you hungry?" He asked, his brows furrowed.

"I kinda am and kinda not." I replied, "I mean I don't know.." I added, realizing how dumb that sounded.

He let out a laugh, "It's okay, just try and eat at least something."

My whole body felt warm from his words, I don't know why but it felt so nice to hear his kind of caring words. "I will."

After he finished up his food I grabbed the remote and handed it to him, "Here, go find something to watch."

I bit down in my last spring-roll as he looked through the channels.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked, turning his head to look at me. His eyes seemed to sparkle in the yellow lights.

"You choose something. I'm fine with whatever."

I stood up putting the plates away. I rinsed them and put them into the dishwasher. Wiping my hands at my sweats I walked towards him again.

He seemed to be concentrated on the program he was watching. But it wasn't until I sat down that I saw him fidgeting with his hands.

Kendricks p.o.v.

I felt at unease, like I shouldn't have came here. I don't know, maybe it had something to do with Ryder or not but I knew for a fact he wouldn't be happy hearing about this.

Sitting down next to me again she spoke up. "Kendrick? Are you okay?" Her voice worried.

I nodded, looking at her. "Yeah. I'm good."

Rubbing my leg nervously I spoke up, "So.." I dragged, "You wanted to talk about yesterday?"

She looked shocked at my question, it was clear she didn't expect me to talk about it already. But she had asked me over for that right? And I was curious to say the least, I hadn't heard from Ryder either.

She finally nodded, "Yeah I did. I- I do, I mean."

Waiting for her to begin talking I turned off the TV.

"You know what happened back here so I'll tell you some things what happened after that." She sighed, clearly upset.

Turning my body sideways so I was facing her I looked at her, "It's gonna be fine, just take it easy and only tell me what you want."

She put both her legs onto the couch so she was hugging them, resting her head on her knees she spoke; "So when he was driving us to the hospital, he was really nervous and started speeding a lot so I spoke up about that. He didn't really like that but I was in the car too so he couldn't just get the two of us in trouble.

"When we arrived at the hospital he was sorta kind because he helped me unbuckle my seatbelt but I think that was because he was in a hurry. We got inside and he hugged Lucinda for comfort but after that he literally completely ignored my existence."

My mind wandered off into directions I could not remember telling it to go.. Was Everly still caught up with Ryder? Did she have feelings for him?

"I got him and Lucinda both a coffee and he didn't even bother to thank me. And it wasn't about the thank you's or anything like that. I just wanted to help them in any way. After that he ignored me for some time too and it was definitely on purpose. Even Lucinda thought he was being weird. So when I finally got his attention I asked how long he wanted to stay for."

She stopped and looked at me, "Do you think that was a weird out of place question?"

I looked at her confused, "Why? That's just a normal question, right? You rode with him to the hospital so that question was not out of place."

Nodding she continued, "Then he suddenly got mad and grabbed me along with him into the hallways to start accusing me of stupid things. Like that he hadn't even wanted me to come with him."

"After that I told him I was sorry for him that a nice evening had ended like this, but he said he'd never even liked the evening. Started saying that I had wanted attention from you and the rest of the boys too. Also he insinuated that we had done some things in the kitchen. Like you know..." She trailed off, gazing somewhere into the distance.

Not believing he'd say that, I raised my brows, "He said that?" How could he?

Nodding she replied, "Yeah he did."

Everly's p.o.v.

"Fucking unbelievable." Kendrick muttered as I had agreed with the statement.

I picked at my socks, not daring to look up. I didn't know why but when I was telling him all this I didn't feel weird or uncomfortable at all, he really seemed to be listening to me. Not even judging anything because he was Ryders friend or something like that. Now I was waiting for him to react to the story all those feelings came droning in.

His face was a bit flushed when I quickly looked up for a second.

Had I been wrong to tell him all this? Would he not believe me or think my feelings about these things were not validating?

I let out a heavy breath as I looked at him, he didn't say anything as he was just looking at me. Almost studying me. His hazel eyes were intensely locked in mine once I looked in his.

His eyes flashed between both my eyes as he opened his mouth to say something but he closed it again.

I saw his hands were a bit shaky as he tapped his leg with then a flat hand and then a fist, over an over again.

"Are you going to say something?" I asked, feeling my smile turning out to be a grimace.

"He- Honestly? I don't even know what to say. This is overwhelming. I never knew he'd use things against you like that." Kendrick breathed out, brushing his knee.

A/N: vote and comment please!

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