!Hanahaki Kirumi!

Start from the beginning

          The only way for hanahaki to be cured was either to be loved by the person who lead you to develop it, or, gets surgery to remove the flower and the memories you have of them. I wasn't going to put them through either of those. So I've decided.

           The aggresive coughs from the disease kept escaping my mouth, the flower pedals escaping my throat covered in my blood. I let out a weak breath...


Choose death...

(Don't worry I'm not leaving you on a  cliffhanger)

Y/n pov

      Everyday I would talk to kirumi about Hiyoko/Byakuya. Acting like a 6 year old who though they just found their soulmate. (Future story hint? 👀) As I kept talking Kirumi had a slight smile on her face, It was sad... I stopped talking to her. And stared at her, I never noticed how pretty she was while she smiled... WAIT! Y/n no! She's your bestfriend, she could never return those feelings. I face palmed myself, a tiny tiny of blush on my face.

       "Is everything okay y/n?" Kirumi started at me with a confused yet worried face. I look up at her, She still looks extremely pretty...

         "Huh? Ahh yeah sorry about that... Heh..." I awkwardly averted my gaze from her (beautiful) face to the smeeingky very dirty floor multiple students stepped on. As I we silently sat in the awkwardness I could hear silent coughs from kirumi, she tried her best to cover her coughs with her mouth trying to muffle out the sounds.

Keyword: trying

           "Kirumi? Is everything okay why are you coughing?" I glared at her patiently awaiting an answer.

         "Just a little sick that's all..." she waved her hand signaling to me she was perfectly fine, I didn't believe her at first, but since she was the ultimate maid, I assumed she would be perfectly capable of taking care if herself. I ket out a heavy sigh in relief.

How wrong I was...

Kirumi pov:

     It's been 5 months since I developed hanahaki, I'm in the last stage, I had the chance to erase my memories of y/n about 2 months ago, but... I declined of course, I never wanted to forget the moments I had with them. As I laid in the hospital bed patiently awaiting for my death. My violent coughing got worse over the course of the months, Now I can't even go 30 seconds without violently coughing up blood and flower pedals. It hurt a lot. But, I was happy, I smiled as I remember all the times I had with y/n.

        I would rather die with my memories of them, than live without them. As I sat in silence looking out the window I heard the faint shouting of a nurse telling someone not to go in. As I tried analyzing what was happening out there The hospital door flung open revealing,

A tearing up y/n

          "Kirumi... Why didn't you tell me?"

Y/n pov

     I had figured my feelings out for Kirumi about a month ago. I never told her though, to scared of losing her, and ruining our relationship forever. About 2 weeks ago I developed Hanahaki, I was only in the 2nd stage, not willing to ruin me and kirumi's relationship nor my memories of her, they were both to precious to me. As I was in my room listening to music while coughing every five minutes sometimes with blood and pedals and other times without it. As I was listening to the music my phone went off.

      It's kirumi's parents... I picked up my  phone answering the call.

      "Y/n! It's kirumi!" I could hear panic and distress in her voice, this was enough to make me tense up.

        "W- what happend?!" I panicked getting up from where I was sitting ready to go to where ever kirumi was.

         "Sh- She's in the hospital!" This made me tense up even more, I hoped it was just a broken arm, and not something life threatening, Boy was I wrong. "She has Hanahaki!" My body tensed up, fear had flooded my body, All I did was ask which hospital she was in, when they answered I immediately hanged up, driving to the hospital she was staying at, I didn't care how long the drive was, I'm going wherever she was. I regret not staying by her side... as I drived, I could feel tears prick my eyes, and soon enough falling. I made it to the hospital asking what room she was in when they told me I immediately made my way to the room.

       The nurse kept insisting for me not to enter but I couldn't care less. I put my hand on the door handle swinging it open, more tears running down my face.

      "Kirumi... Why didn't you tell me?"

Kirumi pov

    "Wh- who lead you to it..." Y/n looked down tears still falling down. Might as well tell them now, I'm dying soon anyways, I never got to achieve my goal of what I wanted japan to be... Oh well...
    "You lead me to it y/n" I smiled at the figure in the door way. They had a shocked expression on their face. Their tears were still streaming down. "I didn't want to forget you, nor did I want to ruin the relationship we had so... I avoided Telling you" I averted my gaze from them and stared out the window. I heard footsteps, My lungs still tight. My eyes were still out the window. As the footsteps stopped next me, My eyes never leaving the window, of japan. I felt a hand on my right cheek, making me face y/n, they were close to my face, making a small blush appear. I knew it... the probably hate the fact I like them. As I thought that though, the sudden tightness in my lunges disappeared, a wave of relief washed over my body. A soft feeling on my lips. Y/n has pulled me into a kiss. I was shocked at first, but fluttered my eyes shut as I kiss them back. Their lips were soft, and I enjoyed it. As we realeased our faces filled with blush, Y/n pulled my into their chest embracing me into a hug. I hugged back happy in the moment.

     "I love you too" I heard the silent whisper of y/n as the hugged me.

In this moment we didn't care about anything else, just eachother.

HOLY CRAP- I actually seriously enjoyed writing this, sorry if there are any spelling errors, again to lazy ti proof readanywyas expect a part 2 of mastermind kirumi x reader and/or a soulmate au, next week. Fun fact: the end was actually supposed to be angsty in the end kirumi dying but I decided to let you guys be happy... For now >:)


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