✨You decide✨

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Hey guys, so I've already planned out the main story and how it's going to break everyone's hearts- I MEAN It's going to be very interesting.


I do have a few questions that may influence how you guys perceive the story.

1. I had an idea to do a one piece x reader GOLD of this story, would you guys be interested in that?
Of course this would take time and I wouldn't want you guys to feel like you're losing it on the main story because of this. So so tell me

2. When it comes to little bit extra's, I normally write about ASL as kids but it's (y/n)'s journal, and she's written about everything, so I was wondering if you'd like some other side stories and interactions with other characters? And I know you're wondering WHO dear author? Well i was thinking...

Liam, Ian, and Isaac
Anyone who has visited previously (scenarios that didn't make it to the story)
Maybe even Briggs (drinking with certain guys)

What do you think? 

Also! don't be afraid to give me scenarios that you'd like to see with ASL. I value your experience in reading this book. ;) 

ALRIGHTY! Know that I'll be reading all the comments to see your thoughts. This announcement will be deleted by the next chapter, SO PLEASE TALK TO ME WHILE THERE IS AN OPEN SPACE TO DO SO☺️

Oh... and stay safe guys 

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