Chapter 2 - This is Exactly Why I Need My Car

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She opens her mouth like she's about to say something, and it brings me back to our current situation.

Right, I just told a bunch of guys that I'm this girl's boyfriend.

I quickly regain my composure before giving her a look that basically says "don't talk so I can get us out of this."

I mean, I'd like to think I could handle myself in a fight against more than one guy, but I'd really rather not test that theory today.

I turn my back on her to face the guy in front of me and give him a hard look.

"I said she's my girlfriend," I repeat harshly. "So back off, she's taken. And don't touch her," I add, clenching my fists for effect. "Or we'll have a problem."

He sizes me up first. I'm pretty sure he knows he can't take me, and his friends sure as hell wouldn't get to him before I did. So he turns to the girl, looks her up and down, and lets out a scoff.

"Whatever man," he says. "She's too skinny for me anyway." Then he turns around and slinks back to his friends with his tail between his legs.


Yeah, sure. The girl doesn't want you, so suddenly, there's something wrong with her.

I can't stand guys like that. I mean, I don't strike out often, but when I do, I own that shit. It's only fair.

I can tell the three of them are still watching, so in the interest of making this whole thing more believable, I throw my arm over her shoulders and start to lead her away, far away from that group of guys.

Of course, she immediately starts trying to pull away from me.

"Just play along until we're out of sight, okay?" I say quietly, leaning in to her ear. "If you want, you can be on your own after that."

Reluctantly, she allows me to lead her around the corner. Of course, she practically throws me off the second we turn it.

"Okay, not that I'm not grateful, but who are you?" she demands, crossing her arms over her chest.

I raise an eyebrow at her. Jesus, you'd think she could show a little appreciation.

"I'm the guy who just went out of his way to help you out," I say, giving her a look.

She gives me a look right back. "I was actually looking for a name."

"I'm Hunter," I reply. "And you must be -,"

"Mia," she says, cutting me off.

Well that's useful. I was getting pretty tired of calling her "the girl."

The girl that almost got me in a fight with like three guys.

"Really? I was going to say insane," I shoot back before I can stop myself. "What the hell are you doing walking around aimlessly alone at night anyway?"

She narrows her eyes at me. "I wasn't walking aimlessly, I was walking home. And I walk here all the time, it's usually pretty safe."

"Well, you should be more careful," I reply. "If I hadn't shown up, you could've gotten into a lot of trouble."

She scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest. "Well, I'm sorry. Obviously, if I knew that was going to happen, I would have just called the chauffeur," she replies sarcastically.

Resisting every urge in my body to say something sarcastic back, I lean against the alley wall and shut my eyes.

You know in my head, when I pictured meeting this girl for the first time, it went a lot more smoothly than this, and it sure as hell didn't involve so much shouting.

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