Final Chapter

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Final Chapter

"You're thinking why I'm not going out with Kongpob, right?" Yoona asked as soon as Joss left, leaning over the table. "The ring you gave me. Kongpob said he would help me with my homework if I give it back to you."

He said...what?

"," she placed the ring in my hand.

I was dumbfounded. Why would he do that?

"This ring is very important to Kongpob. He said you don't remember him... I'm not supposed to tell you anything more, but...he just wanted me to give it back to you."


Kongpob Suthiluck...what game are you playing?


The ring is important to Kongpob?! How???


I really wanted to know. How come his ring was same as mine? Why was it so important to him? Didn't he hate it?

I looked down at the silver ring in my palm. It made me have even more questions and I couldn't wait any longer, I needed to know. Now.

"Yoona, I gotta go. Tell Joss that I went to the library or something," I said quickly before leaving the table.

Feeling a rush of excitement urge me on, I almost ran across the cafeteria in the direction Kongpob had headed. My eyes searched around, hoping to find Kongpob walking somewhere in the distance. Finally, I spotted him drinking from a water fountain as group of girls scurried around him, chatting excitedly, desperate to get his attention.

Breathe in...breathe out...okay, here goes my everything.

Gathering all my courage, I straightened myself up and approached him. I snug behind the girls, extended my hand and managed to grab Kongpob's arm from the crowded group of girls. He instantly stopped drinking  and looked at me with wide eyes. He was obviously taken by surprise by my presence.


The people around him stared at me like I was some kind of freak.

"Come with me," I said in a demanding tone and impatiently pulled him alongside me.

"Hey where are you going?" a girl called out after us, clearly annoyed at the fact that I was taking Kongpob away from them. As if he belonged to them in the first place... 

"Leave us alone!" I shouted at them. My voice was really loud and probably shocked most of them as they fell behind us. Soon everyone had backed off and we were free to go.

I felt like a complete idiot, but who cares what they thought about me.

I could feel my palms sweating while clasping onto Kongpob's wrist. Strange looks were given to me as I dragged him down the hallways, outside and to the back of the school. It was the same place he had dragged me to, where I had told him to leave me alone. 

But now I was giving him the opposite message.

Gosh, this was confusing. Why was he making me feel like this? So desperate for answers?

We stopped, slightly breathless from the half-run, and I let go of his wrist. He was awfully quiet for someone who had been pulled halfway across the school without an explanation.

"Why did you bring me here?" he asked after a long silence, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I want an explanation," I demanded, revealing the ring still sitting in the palm of my hand. "Why do we have the same rings?"

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