Sing for love

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Yes I love you, I always have and always will... but I know I can never have you.

Do you know what it’s like have the person you love unconditionally stand right in front of you and never being able to touch them?

Well I do.

I work as personal assistant to a huge band. I do everything for the boys in the band but one of them just one stands out to me and the minute he looked at me I fell in love.

Tristin he was my life he was the reason I get up in the morning and the reason I’m still alive.

My life...well it started off normal then bad then worse then complete train wreck and that when Tristan found me I was on a bench sleeping, hadn’t showered in weeks and looked like shit.

At first I thought he was kind hearted but then I realized he was just using me but it doesn’t change the fact he saved me and took care of me...well kinda he got other people to.

Now I’m a 19 year old who follows a band around to make money but really just to be by Tristin.

My life isn’t that normal but it’s not extraordinary either.


Even though I hear my name I ignore it and turn over.




I sigh and turn over still trying to sleep.


"Get it yourself I’m tiered"


"Ok I get it stop yelling" I finally open my eyes to see Tristin over top of me angry.

It took me awhile to realize where I was then it hit me we were still in the recording studio and people are all around working.

"What time is it anyways?"Looking at Tristin as he moves from being over top of me.

"7 or so I don’t know"

"...I’m going back to sleep" I say pulling the covers over me and turn over.

"You even think about it and I will send you back to the streets you came from"

With that said I got up and got ready as fast as I could. It was one thing to get on his bad side but it was another to have him hate you. I know it may sound the same but trust me it isn’t. According to what others have said a person got fired in 2 minutes on the job because he didn’t like him. Talk about diva...yes I know who would fall in love with him right trust me you would, all you would have to do is meet him ...then he opens his mouth and destroys that image you have of him. But either way I still love him. Then again I fall for the bad boy type...even though he’s a bad GUY who likes to torment people in his spare time and has absolutely no heart I’m not exaggerating he was born without one...not the one that beats but the one that has feelings.

By the time I get back from getting breakfast Tristin was back in the studio recording the vocals. Jasper was playing the guitar, James was on bass and Damen was playing drums. I set out their food while the guys played the song but when I was done setting it out Tritsen stopped singing and was right beside me getting food.

"Took you long enough"

"Sorry it was hard to find someone that serves diva food" I hear the guys laughing behind us and turn around "hey guys I got what you wanted but there wasn’t any cheese omelette's so I got some other kind"

Sing for loveWhere stories live. Discover now