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An Illegitimate Estate

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That's weird. She thought. Her relative Maria has passed away. A relative she lost touch with a long time ago died. Maria had given all her stuff to her. Her house her everything. She lived at a far far away house.

Today she wanted to go find the house maria had given her. She asked some of the local residents who lived near that place but the same answer was given to her.

The house does not exist. There was no house named as the Rose's. There was no house that looked like the pictures the people sent her.

It was creepy. A house that no body ever heard of. From the pictures she saw the house was a large , nice. Was she mistaken?

She shook her had. No way. She double checked the place and these people are saying they have never heard of a house like that.

The house dosent exist here. She looked around. Maybe the locals are playing tricks on her. It could be true.

She went far through the place and asked if thier was a house nearby that looked liked this or named like this to the passing by people.

The people that lived here for 20 to 10 years mentioned there was no house. Such a house exist.

She was confused. Worried.

The look on thier faces told her that they were no joking about it. She called the officers that gave the address and the place.

They were also confused. They gave her the right place fo the house that maria mentioned in one of the papers.

Was maria lying then? If not where is the house?

After searching the whole area she gave up. Nothing. She got mo information about this house.

Tingkes went through her body as she squinted her eyes. Giving up she walked through the woods as a shortcut to the place. The trees were not taht tall or wide. There was a path that leads to te next town.

She walked through as a wind blew and the paper from her hand fell. She took the paper that fell from her hands a she noticed something else there. A stone with soemthing writted on.

Walking on the stone path she managed to get some woods and other stuff form her dress. She saw a house.

That looked old. But very modern. It looked like it had been there for years. She looked at the wooden post. She went around the house to search for some clue. The house looked broken. It looked rather ancient. Walking to the main place the paper of the house stood there. She looked back at the paper and the house as she realized. It was the same house on the same paper. The same name. The only difference was it was old. Too old but it was the same. I was in a total shock processing these things. It was hard but it was too good to be true.

The Rose's.

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      Word count : 499 words

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