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My name is nagito komeda, im a smoking hot gatcha who is 16 years old, i like anything that brethes and tatses like mac and cheese, i am actallu 48 years old and shapeshifting.

my mother is named Nagita komedea, im really hot, but my mom looks like a fried teru teru AND I CANT BELIVE THAT SHES JDFBHJNJFJABSFJABFKABFKJASF

Sorry i just had a heart attack, hey want that demi lavato song, 2013 check

MR UGLY IS THE HOTTEST GUY on earth hes the cover of the fanfic :)

eveyone calls him the janitor idk why though, u an reakky hit rock botoom when he calls you that

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eveyone calls him the janitor idk why though, u an reakky hit rock botoom when he calls you that

my school is called school of hot gatcha people, idk why yoongi is at it though HE ISNT EVEN A GATCHA, CLOWN CHECK :O)

so lets continue stroy

i was born in 1600 which explains why im 16 and 48, i was born in the bown of bangtan boys, in south africa

and on wensdays i wear pink.

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