Yinu + OlderSibling!Reader

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Nobody, other than Mother and Father, come as close to importance as her, anyone her hurts her, no hurts any of us, will speak to my wrath.

"Yinu," Mother cooed grabbing both me and my little sister's attention, "-you're big performance is tomorrow, the same time as today."

"Okay! Is it the performance where I perform Heart of the Prodigy?" Yinu asked,

"Yes it is." Mother answered, "And (Y/N), you'll be assisting her tomorrow as well."

"Alright then, I'll be sure to practice tonight and tomorrow." I replied calmly, not so much on the inside.

Heart of the Prodigy? I haven't played nor even looked at the music script for the piece at all! I glance at Mother, she was already looking at me with a knowing glance, is this a test for improvement? If it is then so be it! I will give it my all, even with only a day's practice! At the end of that thought, the three of us made it home, our house looked like any other house in the Natura district, the only minor difference being that it is bigger than the rest and it having big windows.

The minute the three of us entered the home we all went our separate ways, Yinu dashed to her room to talk to her BAKAT awards, I walked to mine so I could practice for tomorrow, and Mother went to the living room to read. I gently place my viola case onto my bed, unzippingit and lifting the upper half up to reveal my viola, strapped and under a thin cloth,

"Hello again, Wolfgang, ready to sing for the world?" I greeted my wooden friend, picking it up from the case.

I unlatched my bow from the case, temporarily placing Wolfgang on my bed so I could rosin my bow, and a little unecessary detail is that the rosin is my favorite color, (F/C). After a couple minutes of putting rosin on my bow, I place the small item back in its special spot in the case, picking up my viola from the bed and laying my cheek onto the cheek rest. I move my hand further down the neck, putting it in the right position, resting my fingers on the strings, my right hand dangling the bow on top above the strings. I took a deep breath, exhaling a thin stream of air, laying my bow on the strings, music just a muscle movement away.

"(Y/N)!" Yinu shouted my name, bursting into my room, I let out a gasp and turned around to look at her,

"Yes Yinu?" I said still a little shocked,

"Didn't you forget something?" She said smugly waving a couple sheets of paper in her hand,

"Oh, hehe, the music script, right! Thank you!" I said graciously, grabbing the papers out of her hand.

-----Timeskip to the next night-----

The crowd filed into their seats of the velvet room, waterfalls cascading down from the ceiling, I peeked through the curtains onstage to see what was happening outside. In only a few minutes, we will start, Yinu behind me fixing up her appearance, I back away from the curtains, letting them fall back to place,

"Ready Yinu?" I asked her,

"Always!" She beamed, posing cutely.

The lights dimmed, making the backstage darker than was prior, I gave Yinu a nod, Yinu returning the same gesture before we passed by eachother and gone to our places. Yinu sat upon the seat of the White Bloom Pianoforte, I sit on a chair, my cheek resting on my viola, Wolfgang. We took a breath simultaneously, the soft notes played muffled from outside the curtains, I nearly fall into a trance before the notes came up to the part where I am to assist. 1, 2, 3-4, 5, 1-2, now!

 I slide my bow against the strings, a hush melody played, quiet yet powerful and noticeable to the crowd. To help myself with staying on track, I hummed the music to myself, ignoring the voices that rang from the outside, until the piano keys were slammed upon, making a harsh tune and stopping me in the process,

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