Welcome to Storybrooke

Start from the beginning

David paused and Ella said, "And you guys think I'm the killer when I had to kill because I was either being controlled or to survive, when in actual fact you were only fighting for your crown and your castle. You've killed way more people than me."

Before David could reply, there was a knock at the door. Emma and Henry both looked over stopping their conversation

As David walked over to the door, Ella heard Henry say, "But she's Snow White, She wouldn't hurt anybody."

Ella scoffed and said, "You'd be surprised at what people can do when they're mad Kid."

David opened the door and Immediately snapped, "Get out!"

Ella walked over to the door and saw Gold on the other side.

"I think you're gonna want to hear what I have to say." He looked at Mary Margaret through the door, "For her sake."

Emma stood behind Ella saying, "What are you talking about?"

Henry walked up and wrapped his arms around Ella as Gold said, "Regina she's planning to strike back against your mother."

"What is she going to do?" Henry asked

"Well she didn't say." Gold said

Ella shook her head and said "No you don't get to walk in here and drop a bomb like that-"

David cut her off saying, "-You're going to figure this out and you're going to help us."

"And why should I?" Gold asked

Ella shrugged and said, "Well aside from us being family now, Mary Margaret saved your life. Now you owe her a debt. And we both know you always pay your debts."

David nodded and said, "You're going to help us stop Regina."

. . . . .

As Regina walked around the town day after day she slowly got bored

Everyone did the same thing every day

Except one person

Anna was running from the corner store when Graham pulled his gun on her

She put her hands in the air as he said, "Seems I finally caught you."

"Did you now?"

Anna not scared of the gun walked forward and rested her forehead on the barrel of the gun, "But you're not going to shoot me are you Graham?"

"No I'm not."

As Graham lowered his gun Anna took that to elbow him in the stomach and run off into the woods.

Regina simply smiled, "At least someone is interesting here."

. . . .

David, Gold and Ella walked down into Regina's vault.

"Well it appears we just missed our dear Queen." Gold said seeing all the clothes on the floor

"What is this?" Ella asked opening a crate that was full of fabrics

She quickly shut it and walked over to another crate as Gold said, "These are Cora's belongings. It appears Regina is planning on using one of her spells on Mary Margaret."

"Ella you might want to look at this." David said from behind her.

Ella turned around and walked to the crate where David was.

The Second Princess (1)- 𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓐 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now