One More Time

45 13 11

One More Time

Come, let's live today for one more time,
Let us enjoy our own company and love.
Baby we don't need anything much -
Only one toothy smile is enough !
Only one desire is enough!
After taking some adventurous steps - only one shout out is enough!
Those heartfelt times spend  with our old best friends and family is only  enough.
By overcoming the fears and  living for ourselves is only enough !
Don't know what 'life' will throw in our way tomorrow but today we have to endure all,
the pain and the pleasure.
To stich our million dreams we have to just have the thread of courage
And keep moving forward, never looking back.
There will be love and loss,
happiness and sadness,
loneliness and company,
all in this ever lasting roadtrip.
Time is still here so let's overthrow our boundaries and give our fullest
For one more time !


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