Chapter 9

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Hearing a screech from within the castle, their eyes widened.

"Is that?" Ris whispered.

Adley nodded, filled with fear. A minute or so later, Lyla appeared. She was running with the bag in her hand.

"Get in the truck, now!" Ris yelled.

The screaming continued, just one voice. It was a shriek that sent a shiver down their spines.

"What the hell is going on in there?"

"Lyla released Aneska. She's a sorcerer and one that's severely pissed off. We do not want to be here."

Lyla jumped when she reached the truck, grabbed by Adley.

"Go!" Diego yelled.

The doors were slammed shut, and Oscar put his foot down, speeding out of the estate. Lyla sat down on the bench next to Adley, Lennon at their feet, still out cold.

"He's going to hate us when he wakes."

Adley nodded with a grim look on his face. She sighed, pulling off the headgear.

"I didn't sign up for any of this."

"Yeah, life's like that when you're in his world." Ris offered. "But he'll get over it. Just have to weather the storm for a few days."

Diego watched on quietly, still fascinated that Lyla had changed her tune about vampires after losing Eloise to one. He didn't hold it against her. He didn't even think negatively about it. There was just a curiosity that he couldn't understand.

Curiously, her armour was misshapen. Lyla began unfastening it and revealed what was making her torso look odd.

"What is that?" Diego asked, reaching out.

Lyla slapped his hand.

"Do not touch the witch."

"Wait a minute," Ris drawled out. "We heard you in there. You released Aneska."

"No, I tricked someone into believing I did. We were being watched."

"By who?"

Lyla tilted her head, looking at Merissa with that, please tell me you're not that stupid look. Ris rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, okay. So, tell us how you made the screams without actually releasing her."

With a smug smile on her face, Lyla opened the internet on her phone and searched for the video she'd used.

"Charlton's got one of those home hubs in his office, searched this out and cranked it up loud. When I figured out that we were being watched, I knew that our leverage would be stolen if I just left her behind. And really, do we want to let her out?"

"No." Ris grumped.

She played the video, turning up the sound. It was a bird that sounded like a woman screaming.

"Hey, I've got them in my backyard," Diego said. "Really hard to see sometimes, but they're out there. That's some freaky noises, always gives me the heebie-jeebies."

"Yep. It was either buy me time to get out of there or to make them run. I'm hoping for the latter, but I don't like my chances."

She unclipped the empty chamber, putting both of them into the bag.

"They might go searching for her, but without a chamber, they won't be able to catch her. I want the world to think that she's out there, but they can't find her."

"What are we going to do with her?"

Lyla shrugged in response, unsure of what was right and what was the safest.

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