Empowered By Darkness

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Danielle ---->

"Why do you do this to me!? This is your seventh year of high school. High school is only supposed to be 4 years and here you are stretching it out 3 more years. I wish you weren't fighting all the time. All she did was look at you. You could've ignored her. Sometimes i wish i could've gotten A-" my mother Terresia's face turned blue and a reddish colored mix. From frustration.

"Wish you could've gotten what, mom!" I shot back with my own face red from screaming and arguing with her. I stared at the woman with black hair like mine and green emerald eyes. I'm pretty, no, absolutely sure that my mother has gotten into more fights than me. As if I wasn't going to punch the girl in the face. I came to school that day and she pointed me out saying that i was a nasty ass hoe. I guess it was the outfit I was wearing. My Purple v-neck and shorts. I don't care. She got what she deserved.

"Go to your room!" she pointed to a beige door.

"Fine!" i marched my feet dramatically into my room. It's not fair. She always thinks that I'm irresponsible. So what if i do have to go to Winchester High. It's not like i'm going to die. I pushed my pillows off my black and white polka dotted bed.. She just doesn't understand that the world is a different place than it was when she was younger. Then to save my life, Elliot, my best guy friend called me.

"Hey Elliot."' i sighed and picked my pillows up from the floor.

"Problems with your mom again?" he asked. Elliot could tell everything about me. Even the difference about me and my mom.

"Yea. But, wassup." I asked. Forgetting the subject, It made me calmer.

"Well, I blackmailed my mother into letting me go to Winchester with you. I told her i still remember her getting drunk and making me drive her home when I was 10. I told her i would tell and well. She gave in. I got Danni's and Jacob's parent to go too!"

Daniell a.k.a Danni was my best girl friend. As all of us are vampires we each have our own powers. Danni could infiltrate other peoples' mind and read their thoughts memories ect. She was also telekintetic. She was working on being able to control other people. She can do it, I'm sure. She had beautiful brown curls that matched her olive skintone. Her dark ruby eyes were feirce and made anyone crumble their secrets. Few didn't, like me.

Jacob had straight brown hair and green grass-like eyes and they too matched his white skin complextion. he was 10x stronger than any vampire and 10 times faster and smarter. Sometimes we were all just plain dorky and that's how we come to love each other so much.

"Yayy!!" i spoke estatically.

"Come by PITCH BLACK tonight. We can celebrate."

"Ok, I'll be there in a little bit." i clicked off my cell phone and started to change. I put my black shorts on with a red tank top and flat boots.I grabbed the keys to my Black and red american eagle raven motorcycle and started to leave when i heard my mom yell. i went to the kitchen and found her crying over a dead mouse. So that's the reason for the smell. Stupid realators didn't say anthing about that.i thought.

"Is this my dinner?" i joked.

" Get that out of here. NOW LYRA!" She told me as she edged against the counter.

'Awe but come look it's cute. Come. Look." i told her looking serious. She started to ease up and when she got close enough i shook it.

She ran down the hall saying,"That's not Funny!!"

I threw it out to the front yard so that vultures could eat it. That's what I call punishment at least for my mother. i grabbed my helmet and walked out saying goodbye. As I turned on my bike, i jumped on and immediately started sppeding. Being a vampire does have its advantages and this was one of them. I couldn't see anything but the blur of trees and stars. It was as if i was in some star wars movie or something. The full moon felt as if it shined down on only me. I parked my bike and walked up to the club with neon signs.

Elliot caught me searching for him and hugged me. His sea blue eyes were perfect for his dirty blonde hair. He was dressed in a plaid blue and white shirt wih black faded pants.

"Hey, Lyra. Okay so before you came i was waiting in line and i heard some talk from these really hot chicks. there's a new girl named Aimee Rodriguez. She's preppy, rich, and a straight-A type of girl. Actually the complete opposite of you. Except for the grades, those are the same." He smirked at the last comment and i puched his arm playfully.

"Great just what I need. Let's get a drink." We walked inside but walked right out again quickly because it was karaoke night and i swear if i had to listen to one more person sing off-key, i would die. We agreed to meet there again the next day.

so i'm still writing but this is the first chappter! im soooo excited and i hope you like it. vote/comment/fan!!!!!!! SHARE!!!! this is also my first book thats going to be publish. Danielle is on the side

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