16.1.1 (Cursed Princess Club) Jamie x Reader

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Logan, appearing out of nowhere like he normally does, snatched it from Shauna and took off down the hallway.

You sighed, and then both you and Shauna took after him, shoving each other.

Once you had caught up to Logan, you both tackled him, sending him to the floor.

You grabbed the letter and stood up, one foot on each of their back's.

You waved the letter high above you victoriously.

"MWAHAHAHAHA! I, the great Y/N, have taken the letter that truefully belongs to me!" You shouted.

"One, it's truthfully." Your mom came up behind you and took the letter. "And two, everything in this household belongs to me." Your mom, Queen of the Hel Kingdom, opened it and read the letter aloud.

Hey, Y/N! Can't wait to try the cake, the tastes of cheating on other chefs are starting to get stale. Logan should probably exercise more, and Shauna should take up tennis or something to help with their boredom-- Your siblings glared at you and you gave them a sheepish smile-- Anyway, my Father had found the letters that I stashed, and has asked to meet you. He claims it's so more Kingdoms can do trading and such, but I think it's something else. Maria and Lorena are going to get engaged to the Plaid Princes, but I don't think Gwendolyn likes the youngest Prince. I don't either. Back to Father's question, he has arranged for it to be whenever you arrive. Hope to see you soon!


"Why are there sparkles all over it?" Your mom asked, shaking the paper a little bit.

"Jamie just kinda does that. All his siblings have a cute thing like that. Lorena has plants, Maria has animals, and Gwendolyn can bake well." You explained.

"Can we go?" Shauna asked.

"Eh," Logan shrugged, "I dunno. How long?"

"Probably just for dinner." You said.

"That's long enough to seduce some girl." Logan said thoughtfully. "How many sisters?"

Shauna smacked the back of his head. "Didn't you listen? Jamie clearly said all of them were taken."

"Maybe I can have Jamie."

Your mom smacked the three of you across the backs of your heads.

"What was that for?" You asked, rubbing the back of your head.

"The only one getting betrothed to a Pastel, is Y/N. And that's a low possibility." Your mother said, handing you the envelope.

"Thanks." You said. You looked and saw something else in the envelope.

"It's a postcard." Shauna said, looking at the picture (The one at the top)

"She's kinda hot." Logan said, pointing at Gwendolyn.

"She doesn't look that scary. It's the camera." You explained.

"I think the blonde one is cute." Shauna commented.

You sighed. "Can you stop thinking about romance for three seconds?" 

"1. 2. 3." Shauna counted, using her fingers.

You sighed again. "I am surrounded by idiots."

~~~~~~~~~~~After two days of being on a boat stuck with your weird siblings and strict mom~~~~

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