is that Yoosung kim?

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You were walking to school and you see someone it's your best friend "hey bf/n" you say with a smile to your best friend "oh hey y/n" they say back "do you know someone named yoosung kim?" You ask your best friend "yeah I do why?" They asked back you reply with "no reason just wanna to know" you both start walking to the front of the school as you both walked to the front you told them to go with out you because someone caught your eye they went inside as you look at a blonde boy with a light blue shirt with pins on it and brown pants that was standing there looks like he's waiting for someone he looks like the boy from the picture so you walk up to him "hello you waiting for someone?" You say to him he jumped a bit not knowing you were there "yeah do you know someone named y/n l/n?" You didn't answer the question so you said "yeah do you know someone named yoosung kim?" He looked at you and smiles "yup that's me!" He says proudly you say to him "I thought so I'm y/n l/n" you say to him "really! Can we be friends?" He asked you "sure let's go to class I'll see you at lunch"
        (Time skip)
The ball rings It's FINALLY LUNCH your phones notifications go off again you open your phone as you sit next to yoosung your best friend sit on the other side
Yoosung☆ has entered the chatroom
  Mc has entered the chatroom
707:"hey how is school you too"
Mc:"you sound like my mom"
Yoosung☆:"I'm tired but it was good I met mc"

Mc:"oh hey zen"
707:"are you ok?"
Mc"yeah sorry yoosung fell asleep on my shoulder"
What do I do let him sleep my best friend is right there and I'm text with the group gagavhahah

     Yoosung left the chatroom
       Mc left the chatroom
Ok now what sjhsjjsn think I mean there still an hour of lunch
You look up from your phone and your best friend is leaving and see says "see you later have fun~" what does she mean have fun~ I'm confused you sit there eating as yoosung sleeps on your shoulder you look at him and think he's really cute what I just met him but I'm not lying you look at your phone for the time your 2 minutes late to class you try waking yoosung up but it wasn't working the only thing you thought of was to do this you whisper in his ear yoosung~ kim~ he wakes up so fast he almost hit the table if you didn't catch him "you ok?" You asked him he blushed and said "yeah was that you" he asked you "who whisper in your ear yeah sorry also were late by 7 minutes now" you both start running to class you walk into your class it calculus yay calculus I HATE this class and it after lunch and I'm late you walk into calculus and your teacher asked you why you were late you said "I was helping a student" you responded with but your teacher said "I want to meet the student so your not lying" tf "ok" you went to your desk
         (Time skip)
After school you run in to yoosung as your teacher is waiting "hey yoosung I need help" "hey y/n what's up?" He replayed with "well when I was late for class I told the teacher that I was helping a student will you be the student?" Why did that sound so weird? "Yeah sure"  he said to your question you both start walking to the calculus class you both walk in "oh so this is who you were helping what's your name?" Your teacher asked "I'm yoosung kim" yoosung said before you could "yes this is yoosung I help him pick up his books when he tripped" you made up an excuse yoosung looked at you with the face of excuse me your teacher said that you both were able to go you and yoosung talked until you both had to go your different ways to go home you say your goodbye and that y'all talk later you ran into your best friend on the way to the apartment/home now I guess "that guy was sooo cute I bet he's your boyfriend" your best friend says to you as your walk to the apartment you look at them blushing "WHAT NO WERE JUST FRIENDS" you say back "yeah friends" your best friend says sarcastically do I like him tho? You get to your house and say bye to your best friend and you open your phone to the messenger and you walk to your computer to play lolol  you sit in your chair in front of your computer and join the chatroom
    Mc has entered the chatroom
ZEN:"hey Mc what you doing?"
Mc:"nothing I just got out of school with yoosung"
Mc:"it all good don't need to worry"
Yoosung☆:"thanks heh I got a little worried"
Mc:"oh I got to go I forgot we had homework bye yoosung bye zen"
Yoosung☆:"your right same bye y/n- mc bye zen"
        Mc left the chatroom
      Yoosung left the chatroom
ZEN:"I have to rehearse anyway"
       ZEN left the chatroom
You sigh
"what do I do I think I like him"
(940 words)

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