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Sirius's POV

"Awe they're so cute!" I wonder who's talking and who they are talking about.

"Go get your camera Lily." Another high pitch voice squealed. Wait why is Lily in the boys dorm? Ugh whatever I'm going back to sleep.

'Click'. I saw a bright flash and dug my head further into my pillow, it was so soft and warm... wait why is it warm?

"Do you think we should move him?" I think that was Carnation or Rose they sound the same, where is Dray?

"Duh, Dray would castrate him if she saw where his head is." Who's head is where on Dray, if it's on her boobs I will kill them.

"I'll wake him up." It was a guy.

"Sirius, buddy you might want to get up." I felt my pillow move under me, wait pillows don't move.

"Shit, she's waking up. It was nice knowing you Sirius." This got my eyes open, first thing I saw was James, Remus, Lily, Cami, Carnation, Rose and even a confused Peter backing away from me. I wonder where Dray is, we're also not in the boys dorm, I must've fallen asleep in the common room. My pillow moved again and I realized it was a girl. I then took note of where my head was, boobs... shit please don't let this be...

Dray's POV

I heard people whispering around me and opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Sirius's guilty and pleading eyes. The I saw where his head was... My bloody boobs. "GET OFF OF ME YOU SELF CENTERED PRICK!" I screamed at him. He scrambled of me knocking both off the couch and I landed so that I was straddling him. His hands shot out and caught my waist to keep me from falling into the coffee table. I then noticed his smirk and he was about to say something but I beat him to it. "Watch you mouth Black you're on thin ice." He gulped and nodded. "Why we're you sleeping on me in the common room?" What, I need to know. I then scrambled off him and back onto the couch.

Sirius's POV

I didn't know what to tell her, I was having trouble remembering then it all came to me, god I hate being slow in the morning. "I carried you up to the common room and didn't want to wake you up to send you off to bed so I set you on the couch. As I wondered off to grab a blanket for you, you said my name and asked me to stay with you, you seemed frightened. Then I guess we moved around on the couch." I explained hoping she would believe me. She nodded.

"Okay then I guess your forgiven." She then got up and I noticed her dress was sitting high and you could see a few of her scars. I quickly reached out and pulled her skirt down so her sisters and Cami wouldn't notice. She sent me a grateful smile know why I has done what I had done and wandered off to her dorm room to get ready I assume.

"Can I have a copy if the picture you took?" I asked Lily. I wanted to remember I bet that's the closest I will ever get to second base with her. Lily used her wand to make a duplicate and handed me the original one, it was moving the duplicate wasn't. I smile my thanks at her and headed up to my dorm to also get ready. I got changed and made sure I looked good enough to impress Dray.

I guess I was done before her as everyone was still waiting for the two of us.

Dray's POV

I looked my appearance and smiled, it was Sunday so it was another day to dress freely.
(That's her outfit.)

I grabbed my shoes and pulled a brown jacket on over top of my strapless dress. I didn't put my shoes on, I decided I should hurry. I ran down the stairs silently thanks to my bare feet but when I was almost around the last corner I ran into Lily. She grabbed my hand and we turned the corner. Sirius and James had their backs to us and we smirked at each other. We put a finger to our lips signalling for those who saw us to not say anything. Lily and I went a few more steps and jumping onto the boy in font of us. she was hanging onto a startled James who almost dropped her where as Sirius grabbed my thighs, hold dangerously high and moving me to a better position.

Flower (Marauders Era and Voldemort)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant