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"What is it now? I was about to go out to perform some sacrifices!" Hidan yelled entering Pain's office slightly ahead of Kakuzu. Pain grabbed the bridge of his nose and inhaled, to deal with Hidan's tantrums was a nuisance to him, that was clear. "Firstly, how was the training session with [Y/N]?" Pain directed his answer to Kakuzu, ignoring Hidan's presence for now. "She's improved a lot more than I anticipated".

"Yeah she took out 2 of his fucking hearts! Ahahahaha" Kakuzu growled at his partner's comment.
"Interesting. It appears she will be of great use to the Akatsuki but before that. Tell me.. what did you find out about her heritage? Due to the unforeseen circumstances I haven't had the opportunity to hear the information". Pain interlocked his fingers, resting against his upper lip as he looked intently at the duo who sat there looking at each other momentarily. Kakuzu's mask hid his expression whilst Hidan looked at him skeptically.

"Well?" Pain persisted.

Hidan spoke, "She isn't fully from the [L/N] clan"

"Idiot, start from the beginning" Kakuzu Interrupted.

"Perhaps you should explain, Kakuzu" Pain said.

"Shiro explained to us and [Y/N] that they wiped out the clan that treated them as weapons for years. That was the [L/N] clan to which [Y/N] belongs to. She isn't aware of that. However, its clear that some survived for [Y/N] wouldn't be here now. We looked into that. Someone who we couldn't track down took a woman in to get away from their war. A lover perhaps, we don't know who that was but we do know which clan they belong to, we can only guess that that man and woman are an ancestor of hers".

"And what clan would that be?"


Pain smirked slightly at this news, "I had my suspicions". Hidan cocked his eyebrow upwards, "What do you mean?"
"I've heard about the [L/N] clan, they didn't possess ninjutsu and their power was mainly from brute strength. [Y/N] however can use ninjutsu and her chakra peaks with the aid of emotions, she also started with Fire nature".

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes, "Do you think she will possess the sharingan?".

"It's hard to say" Itachi entered the room.

"Dammit when did you get here?" Hidan getting confused at his entry.

"Sorry to intrude, but I had my suspicions also. As a Uchiha myself I wanted to be certain this was true. Do you have any idea who the Uchiha was, Kakuzu?"
He shook his head. "No information on that. We found out it was the Uchiha Clan because the child they bared possessed great powerful chakra from the [L/N] clan and the sharingan, when they obtained the mangekyō sharingan they were seen as a dangerous threat to everyone. Therefore after being isolated for years, they retired as a shinobi early on to live an honest life and have a family".

"Wait a minute, can we backtrack here? IF she can get the sharingan, How does she get it?" Hidan asked.
"The Sharingan is obtained through hatred and despair. According to 2nd Hokage Tobirama Senju, The Uchiha clan are cursed with hatred. The Uchihas possess strong emotions of love and devotion. When they care deeply for someone and that person is lost, they fall into a pit of hatred and despair. Thus obtaining the sharingan".

"Then surely she would have the sharingan through Kisame and Deidara's 'deaths' that day". Kakuzu said.
"I thought so too but they didn't actually die. It's also possible the Uchiha genes are weak in her".

Pain hummed in understanding. "And what do we know about that child of great power?" Pain queried.

"We didn't get to that part because we ended up saving [Y/N] from that damn ambush" Hidan sighed out.

"Very well, I believe this information is enough for now to understand her abilities more. You're all dismissed". They bowed before leaving, asides Hidan of course.


Walking into the kitchen you see Konan sipping some tea at the table, "Hey Konan" you smile sweetly at your friend.
"Hello [Y/N], how was training?" she asked. You went towards the fridge, noticing how empty it is and grumbled to yourself heading to open every cupboard to sweep the area for food. "Oh yeah it was great, I'm definitely back to me again thats for sure - Dammit where is the food..."

"I'm about to go out for a mission but you could always head to the nearest village to do a shop, you know the area now right?" Konan suggested. You paused and looked at her, "Hang on a minute, I can go out by myself now?" you said with a light smirk on your face.
"Well have Zetsu follow you from afar and be sure to wear street clothes, not your usual attire". You smiled excitedly and skipped off, "Don't forget to ask Kakuzu for money!" She yelled out of the kitchen being sure you would hear her. You knocked on Kakuzu door, no answer. You head back towards the living room and yell out for the bounty hunter, "Kuzuuuuuuuu! ~" He came out of Pain's office alongside Itachi and Hidan.

"What is it?" he asked.
"I'm going to stock up the kitchen with food, Konan told me to come to you for money". He narrowed his eyes at you to which you sigh out rolling your eyes, "I will have Zetsu follow me don't worry" He grumbled and handed you some money before walking back to his room. Hidan followed, waving behind him at you, "Don't talk to anyone!" You rolled your eyes at the Jashinist before Itachi turned to you and handed you a small pouch of coins. You smirked at him, "Yes I'll bring back some Dangos" he smiled before ruffling your hair lightly. You turned to your room to get changed into the suitable attire.


A knock was heard on your door, "Come in!" Zetsu appeared, "Oh wow you knock now?" you laughed knowing this guy prefers to travel through the ground and walls. "We didn't want to intrude, you were changing".

"What a gentlemen! Glad you're here actually, Konan suggested that you would keep an eye out whilst I head to stock up the kitchen"

"We know, we hear and see everything" You stared at the mutant man after those words and mumble under your breath, "Well that's...creepy".

"We heard that".
"Okays let's goooo~". You skipped past the man as he bled into the ground and followed form afar.

Hmm I guess I should head south, that village is closest I believe.

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