Akhilesh returned from his shop and directly went to bathroom for fresh up. When he came to hall after changing his clothes he found her mother watching the television.
Mrs. Shah - Tu bhukyo che dikra ?
(Are you hungry Son ?)
Akhilesh - Na baa.
(No, Mummy)
Akhilesh - Mare remote aap baa.
(Give me the remote mummy)
Mrs. Shah - Na, Maru 10 mint nu j dharavahik ( tv show) baki che mare joi leva de.
( No, only 10 minutes are left for my show. Let me watch it.)
Akhilesh - Toh 10 mint mate hu shu karu ? Tu repeat joi leje kale, atyare mare jova de.
( What will I do for 10 minutes ? Let me watch it now, you can watch tomorrow the repeat telecast.)
Mrs. Shah - Tu aaj no chapo vach tyar sudhi. Mare dialogue sambhal va de.
(You can read today's newspaper for the time being. Now let me hear the dialogue.)
Akhilesh - Baa hu ye dukan ma chapo vachi lidho che. Mane remote aap ne.
(Mummy, I have read the newspaper at shop. Please pass the remote now. )
Mrs. Shah - jo 5 mint Shanti rakh pachi hu rasoda ma jais.
(Just wait for 5 minutes after that I will go to the kitchen.)
Akhilesh - Tame nai javana mane khabar che, Sonal jamvanu banavse tame nai. Tame toh tv na saame thi khaso pan nai.
(You won't go, I know that. Sonal will prepare the food not you. You won't even move a inch from the front of the tv.)
Mrs. Shah - Sonal nathi ghar ma. Mane j roti banavi padse. Le a remote mare toh 5 mint Shanti thi koi tv pan jova nathi detu.
(Sonal is not at home, I have to cook today. Take this remote, you people don't even allow me to watch tv for 5 minutes in peace.)
Akhilesh - khijais nai baa!
(Don't get angry Mummy)Mrs. Shah - Na bhai, kai nai. Ja tu TV joi le.
(No dear, nothing. You go and watch Tv.)
Akhilesh - Tame jamvanu banavo cho!!
Sonal kya che ?(You are preparing food !!
Where is Sonal ?)Mrs. Shah - Megha sathe bazar gai che.
(She is out shopping with Megha.)
Akhilesh - Somvar e toh gaya hata.
(They even went on Monday.)
Mrs. Shah - Tari ben no bedroom phari thi renovate thai che.
(Your sister is getting her bedroom renovated Again )
Akhilesh - Sa mate ?
(For what ?)Mrs shah - Akash Kumar ne puch!
(You should ask Akash !)
Akhilesh - Megha ne karavu hase!!
(Megha would have only ask for it.)
Mrs. Shah - mane nathi khabar.

The Red Saree (Completed)
SpiritualSonal belongs to a poor family who resides in village. She was accepted for marriage without any dowry by a family. She is married to a man living in the city of Baroda, Gujarat. Akhilesh shah, a toy shop owner is her husband by ritual but not by la...