Finding the Akonda boys...and my true mate

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**NOTE: this story will be told in two points of views so there will be alot of back tracking so you can understand their pasts. So please bare with me if it gets slightly confusing.**

Prolog: Three years earlier:

Caden's POV:

We have been fighting more and more as the days passed on by us. Its only been 5 months since we had been married and it seemed like ever since we got back from our honeymoon that my mate, my other half, my soul-mate has been distancing herself from me like I was some sort of plague. If you were wondering, yes I am a werewolf of the most powerful pack in the United states, the Akando pack. I am Caden James Akando son of the Alpha Chrisopher Akando and Alpha female Melissa Miakoda-Akando. In our pack the alpha's hand down their title to their son's but after they have found their mate's, claimed them, bared a child and have had a year long successful marriage. It sounds complicated but it really isn't. This ensures that the next Alpha and Alpha female to be are actually happy and can work as a team and be a family. Unfortunately, I wasn't going to become alpha any time soon because even though my mate Jennifer and I have had a son and gotten married, things were now falling apart.

Jennifer is a wolf aswell, The Akando pack is mainly male's and usually find their mates in the female's pack Miakoda. The Akando and Miakoda are good friends with one another and we help the other in need. Yes, most other packs are mixed with female's and male's but there are very few packs that are mainly male and mainly female. This is because of our ancestors and how they viewed things at the time but it is because of the seperate packs that we find our mates some what faster and easier than any other mixed pack. Jennifer Miakoda, the top female of the Miakoda pack had been my best friend since we were kids. We grew up together, did everything with each other and even fell in love. So when we found out that we were mates, it didnt surprise us one bit. Jen was about 18 when we married and I was 19 and a few weeks before our wedding our twin boys; Blayden Akando and Aiyden Akando were born healthy. The weeks leading up to our wedding were wonderful, we were happy or seemed happy from my eyes, our boys were born and then the wedding were Jenny would officially be Mrs. Caden Akando and Alpha female after a year but as we returned to our normal lives after the honeymoon was when the fights began. It started with little things and it only happened once every few days but now the fights were every day and over nothing.

I remember that night clearly, I felt the instant break of my heart and the bond she and I shared. The pain was beyond describable but what was worse than losing my mate was losing my boys as well.

(The fight)

I had returned home late from work, I was attending college during the morning and working from the afternoons to about 10 at night but that perticular night I had gotten home an hour later. My friends Jake and Nick wanted to go out for an hour, they too were married and had 2 or 3 pups of their own. Yeah it seems we are a little young from a human's perspective but in a wolf's perspective we were at the age that settling down and having a family was a good thing. Age was just a number to wolves. I walked through the doors and walked into the kitchen to find Jenny standing with Blayden in her arm and Aiyden upstairs in the nursery asleep. I gave her a smile and peck on the cheek.

"Sorry I'm late, Nick and Jake wanted to go out for an hour and I didn't think you would mind." I explained. Jenny gave a low growl at me, I snapped around and looked at her surprised and annoyed. Great another fight.

"YOU NEVER THINK CADEN! YOU ALWAYS ASSUME AND THEN WE END UP IN ANOTHER FIGHT!" Jennifer yelled. I gave a loud growl and I felt the annoyance change instantly to angwer. She always did this! she always over reacted for no reason and it left us fighting. I hated fighting with her, I love her but she keeps showing me that she is losing the love for me.

Finding the Akonda boys...and my true mate -on short holdWhere stories live. Discover now