Chapter 7

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Warning: This Chapter may contain  violence and cursing.

3rd Person's pov

The next day,V woke up. He was feeling sleepy at first but when he notice he wasn't in his own room he quickly got out the bed and saw that he was sleeping in a queen size bed and he wasn't the only one. Chim, Jhope and RM was there too. 

So V quickly woke them up. 

"Bastards wake up!" V said and waking them one by one. 

All of them wake up, sleepy at first but when they discover that they aren't in a familiar room they immediately went into their senses. 

"Where the hell are we?" RM asked. 

"Last night... JJ was about to revealed hisself when... " V said. 

"Father showed up and smoke of green and everything felt dizzy. " RM said. 

"We pass out probably. " Chim said. 

"JJ must took us in, in his house probably. " V said. 

"What shall we do? We are held captive by one of the dangerous mafia leader in the country. " Jhope said. 

"Tsk, ." V said still annoyed that he lost towards JJ, this shouldn't be happening. He was about to bring JJ down not him being held captive like this. 

They heard a Knock on the door. 

The door open and it revealed someone who is cute and adorable. Though his expression is emotionless, his eyes were lifeless but they all agreed that this guy infront of them is really cute. Specially V who was mesmerized by the beauty of this boy. 

"Jin-Hyung Prepared Breakfast wanna Join?" The adorable guy said, though his voice sound familiar to them, they can't put their heads together where they heard the voice because they were blinded by the adorable looking face of this guy. 


The adorable guy slap V and everyone else were surprised. 

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