Chapter 11

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Topher's POV

I wake up to yelling in the trailer. "Who took my clothes?!" Duncan yells. I stand up and see mine are gone too. "Evil needs clothes." Max says. I sigh and walk out of the cabin followed by the rest of the guys. "Morning fellas." Gwen wakes. "Why are you still in pjs?" Jasmine asks trying to act sweet. I walk into the clear and see someone the guys passed out on the grass. I laugh. "Mind giving me my brush?" I ask Gwen. She just sighs and throws it at me. I catch it and brush my hair into its normal do. "Dude, why didn't you ask for our clothes?" Duncan growls. "Because we deserved it." I shrugged. I started walking towards the mess hall when Izzy dropped my bag of clothes in front of me. "Thanks Izzy!" Jasmine yells. I hear the guys arguing and yelling for the girls to give them their clothes back. I just walk into the bathroom and change. Then I walk into the cabin, throw my bag on my bed, and jog to the mess hall.

"So, I see they gave you your clothes." Sky said snickering. I sit down across from her and push my bowl towards Scott, who happily takes it. By now everyone is in the mess hall and the guys still haven't got their clothes. "Hey, we deserved it." I say throwing my hands up. Sky just laughs. "You did." Gwen says sitting next to Sky with Jasmine next to her, Ella sat with Rodney today. "So, why did you ask for you brush but not your clothes?" Jasmine asks raising her eyebrow. I shrugged. "If you were going to be in pajamas, on TV, wouldn't you at least want your hair brushed?" I ask her. She just nods. "Campers!! Meet at the arts and craft station in ten minutes!!" Chris says over the PA.

"This is an arts and craft station?" Beth asks. "Well, it was going to be a confessional booth but it's not." Chris says. "So what's in it this time? Bike parts? Mutant Gophers? Fang?" Duncan asks. Scott takes a step back at the mention of Fang. "Fang isn't in there is he?" Scott asks. Chris just opens the door to show up actual art supplies. "Today's challenge insist on one artist and one model. Who ever gets there picture to look the closest to the model wins it for there team." Chris explains. "Now, choose and artist and a model." Everyone starts talking and I stand there thinking. "Topher, who should be the artist? Gwen or Heather?" Duncan asks. I shake my head. "Neither. I know who should be though." I say. They all just stare at me. "What do you mean? Gwen said she's pretty good and Heather won't shut up about going to an art camp every winter." Jasmine says. "Yes. But have you asked everyone?" I ask them. "Three minutes left in choosing a model and artist." Chris says. I look back at my team. "Who's the model?" I ask them. Alejandro waves his hand. "Ok good. Go stand over there." I tell him. He does. "Now people without art skills step back." That leaves Gwen, Sky, and Heather. "Ok, now, who thinks they can draw Alejandro?" I ask. Gwen steps back with the others. "Who can stand being near him for more than an hour?" With that Heather steps back. "Sky, you think you can draw Al?" Duncan says laughing. Jasmine shakes her head at him. "Team Superman, who is your artist and model?" Chris asks. "Sky this the artist and Al is the model." Ella says. "Team Green Lanter?" Chris asks. "Lindsay the model and DJ is the artist." Beth says.

A few hours into the challenge Sky has Al's outline done. "Ok, I need colored pencils!" Sky orders. Duncan and Max bring her colored pencils while I make sure no one is messing with the team.

Three ours later Chris blows an air horn. "Artist stop drawing models stop modeling." he says. Al walks over to the rest of the group and frowns. "If she made me look bad she will regret it." Al says threw gritted teeth. Sky closes her art pad and brings it over. "Ok, let's see the drawings. DJ you first." Chris says. DJ shows him the drawing and it looks almost exactly like Lindsay. "Wow." Heather says. "You better be good." Duncan threatens Sky. Sky just stands there grinning. "Ok Sky, let's see yours." Chris says. Sky opens the art pad and turns it around to where everyone can see it. I look at it and it looks exactly like Al. It could be a photo of him if you didn't know it was drawn. "Chica you have made us proud." Al says. "The winner is pretty clear. Team Superman wins." Chris says.

#####Camp Fire##########

"And the loser going home is.......Cody!" Chris says. Cody walks to the Dock of Shame with his stuff and leaves on the Boat of Losers.

######At the campsite######

"Chica I underestimated you. Muy Buen." Al says looking at the drawing again. "Thanks." she says. I walk towards the trailers when Duncan trips me. "Nice trip dude. See you next fall." he laughs. I just get up and start towards the trailers again. This time Max trips me. I stand up but don't go anywhere this time. "What did I do to you?" I ask them. They just snicker and walk in the trailer. I try to open the door but it's lock. "What ever. I'll sleep out here!" I yell through the door. I walk over and knock on the girls trailer door. "Hey Topher." Jasmine says opening the door. "Hi, did you bring any rope?" I ask her. She nods and hangs some to me. "Thanks." I say and walk into the woods. I start climb a tree and stop when I see something. I climb up to a sturdy branch and stand on it. "What?!" I whisper to my self. I see Sky.....and Al! Holding hands and talking about something. I sit down on the branch and tie myself to it. Worst night ever. I think before I fall asleep.

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