• TRICK OR .... TRICK? •

151 4 15

~ P  R  O  M  P  T ~

Psychological novel


Trick Or ...Trick?

• ~ 𖤍 ~ •

Goosebumps ran through her body as she took in those similar doors to her horrified eyes. She looked thoroughly for a difference but there was none. Not even one single line. Three doors were same. All same.

Immediately she started to regret her decision. Why did she even agree to do this dare? She could have been in her cozy home treating herself with popcorn watching Netflix but, here she was in a creepy old house infront of three similar doors.

It was terrifying. Part of her just wants to run away while another part of her stays to be strong and do it. Her mind runs through as she imagined her bunch of  freinds calling her a loser. Laughing thier heads off. She shaked my head at that thought. No way. She'll do this. Besides these were just Door's. Hopefully normal doors.

People around this area has mentioned they hear noises and all form this house. Screams of girl crying. It scared her to the core. She is fat too sensitive to hear creepy sounds that scare will scare her off. This house was beyond all.

Praying to god silently she stepped closer to hell or heaven. This must be a trick. Only one door would be safe. The other's can be death. She hoped what she watched in the Halloween movies helps me right now.

After a while she put her lightly shaking hands to the first door knob. Ok this is it. She can do it. Breathing a few she silently opened the door while closing her eyes. Hoping she went on a good door.

Opening the door fullest she opened her eyes. Taking small steps she walked in to a long hallway. Light grey walls greeted her to a straight path which she assumed it was really long due to the darkness. It was quiet and calm. Silent. Scary.

Turning on a light torch she had with her she walked through with only one word on her brain. Live. Going through the straight line she managed to walk off taking quick turns to left and right.

She began to sense something is odd. Wrong, weird. This rooms was longer. A lot long. It looked like it was never gonna

This seems like a maze. A never ending maze. She widened her eyes in horror. It was true. This felt like it would never end at all. How have she not realized this from the beginning?

Remembering all the turns she took she head back to the main place as she closed the door. Feeling a little light headed she looked back at the last two doors. Just two. Only two.

One of the wooden doors could be her fear. Her weakness. She gulped. Positive thoughts at times like these anna. Think positive.

She opened the third door to her right after a quick
agreement with her heart and her brain. These two things would never agree on the same thing. She quietly laughed in a breath.

She squinted her eyes. A small light glowed at the middle of the place. The sound of the wind could be heard. This must be the correct door. Thanking to god she looked around. The house was damp. It looked quite old. Broken. The screeching sound of the floor when she walked gave her the creeps.

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