"I thought you made up your mind already?" He remembered Gulf's look last night

"I did. But he does not want to talk to me."

"He must be really hurt. Just give him time" Jimmy said sincerely then started eating.

After work, Gulf looked at his phone and saw that Mew was still not messaging him. After waiting for an hour, he sighed then grabbed his bag and walked out of the door to go home.

Jimmy looked at gulf but did not chase after him.

Shortly after Gulf left, Mew arrived at the education faculty room.

After looking around and seeing that Gulf is not around anymore, he left dejectedly.

In the car, Mew grabbed his phone and messaged Gulf

M: Where are you?

G: Home.

M: why did you not wait for me?

Gulf did not reply anymore.

Mew drove to the condo and headed to Gulf's room.

After knocking on his door a couple of times, Gulf still did not open the door.

Mew took out his phone again

M: Open the door Gulf.

G: I am tired P. Let us talk later.

Mew closed his phone and continued knocking.

Seeing that Gulf did not have a plan to open the door, Mew left and headed to his room.

In Gulf's room, Gulf was lying on the couch with his phone on top of his chest.

He heard all of Mew's knocks but he does not have energy to open the door and talk to him.

Right now, he was really sad at what was happening.

He cannot understand why Mew would react like that just because of him not meeting his parents. For him, he clearly said that he is not yet ready to meet his parents. He does not understand why Mew cannot get that.

In Gulf's head before, he was just afraid of meeting the parents now. He did not say that he will never meet them. For him, he cannot understand why mew cannot respect his feelings and continued on insisting.

Even though Mew said that he is not insisting, Gulf can feel that Mew is really disappointed by his decision which saddens him.

Now, Gulf realized that the two of them really do not know each other much.

Without knowing, Gulf woke up from his nap and looked at the clock, 19:02

Gulf sat down on the couch and looked at the phone and saw that there are no more messages from Mew.

He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a prepared meal and heated it up and started eating.

While eating, he cannot help but look at his last conversation with mew and re read all their messages. After a while, he messaged him

G: Eat your dinner na P.

He sent the message then placed the phone on the table and continued eating.

After a while, his phone buzzed multiple times but he did not grab it or look at it and just continued eating.

After a while, he washed the dishes and grabbed the phone and walked to the couch

M: Are you done sulking already?

M: Do you want to talk or not?

M: If you plan to talk just go to my place.

Instructor Gulf and Ajarn MewUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum