Chapter 34~ Fight To The Death

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Crap. I don't know why I thought this would go so smoothly. Once I heard Uma bellow "GET THEM !" I knew we were in for it. And what that I got my sword out....



Once we all saw how mad Uma was, Jay decided he would knock down a barrel of swords. I smirked it's been a while since I had a good sword fight. Evie and Lonnie immediately ran over towards the swords and started grabbing them.

"Get them !" Uma said sounding very upset more than she was before. As the pirate started rushing towards us. Carlos got out his sling shot and start slinging bombs at the pirates to distract them. I smiled at boyfriend. Clouds of blue, yellow and red filled the pirate ship looking like aesthetic art.

With that Evie tossed me and Ben swords. I took it with pleasure as  a pirate came up to Mal in red.

"Hi Traitor," he told Mal as Mal narrowed her eyes as she smirked as there swords clashed together.

A pirate appear behind me. I slashed him with my sword as Carlos noticed came up from behind me and blocked him from hitting me.

I smirked at him and said before kicking a pirate off the bridge "Thanks babe." as he smiled as he shot his slingshot and said "No problem."

"Madison !" I heard as I looked up seeing Mal battling Uma. I ran towards her, I flipped off the bridge landing on my feet next to Mal.

I said "Alright Shimrpy, If you thought Mal was a problem you have no idea how much of a problem I am." Uma growled as Mal smirked before we lunged at her. We fought long and hard. I stumbled back and caught my breathe

Jay shouted "Let's go !"  I nodded as I grabbed Ben's hand and ran off with him Mal following behind me.

Jay and Evie shot more smoke bombs to distract them. The pirates coughed as we ran. Ben looked back you could tell he wanted this to end differently.

"I told you Uma." I said hands out as I gave a wicked smirk and said "I don't lose." I pushed the bridge that connected the alleyway to Uma's ship in the water then we all got the heck out of there not before I heard Uma shout "THIS IS NOT OVER MADISON !" I giggled to myself.

We all then got to the limo and relaxed.

"I'm really sorry that things didn't go the right way, I didn't want to get any of you in this mess." as I patted his back and nodded while saying "Hey your alive and say that's all that matter." he gave me a slit smile. I smiled back.

"At least I got to see the Isle. There my people to.

I mean people like Uma need help." as I scoffed and said "Uma is one of those people who's to gone for help and I don't know if you just forgot she captured you."

"She's just angry Madison. A angry girl with a plan to get out of the place and do better. She's not that much different from how you were when you first came Madison." he said offending the crap out of me.

Oh no the heck he didn't just say I was just like Uma. Those he not know I will leave him here ?

I narrowed my eyes.

I started breathing heavy a bit as my eyes glowed a darker green but they were still visible. it was like whenever I got the slightest upset they would glow.

"Mads." Carlos told me as I rolled my eyes. Gave Ben the look of "Say that again and I will kill you." before looking out the window as my eyes slowly went back to there normal sapphire blue.


Uma threw her sword angrily on the ground. She ran her fingers threw her hair not before looking down noticing the spell book on the ground. She titled her head picking it up dusting it off. She smirked when she saw who it below to. "Captain I'm so sorry things didn't go as you planned." as she shushed him and said "Don't even worry about it." as Gil came overhearing her they both rose there eyes.

"Pack your bag boys were going to Auradon." with a wicked smirk on her face.



We arrived in Auradon as we got out the limo. Thank god because if we didn't get out hours later I think my legs would have cramped out any second.

I walked with the others when Jane ran up to Ben and said "Thank Gods there you are Ben ! Collation's tonight." Crap. I totally forgot about Collation.

I groan a bit to myself. I went back to my room. I closed the door before crashing down onto my bed. I didn't even feel like changing.

I mean was Ben right ? I was like Uma at first angry that I couldn't get off that stupid Isle with a plan to do harm.

I hated it more than anything in the world being compared to evil.

I heard a knock on the door as I looked to see it was Carlos and Dude. Dude ran up to me as he jumped on the bed and started licking my face.

I smiled and said "Thank you for planning along." itching his back for him. Carlos joined me as I said "Hey." as he said "Hey." as he took in a deep breathe not before saying fast "I know that were already together and I know you probably don't want to go but.... WILL YOU LET ME BE YOUR DATE TO COLLATION !" 

My eyes went wide as he said "Sorry I was scared to ask." as I giggled sitting up and said "Carlos De Vil I would love it if you would be my date to Collation." he smiled at me

I smiled back as Dude said "Ooo this is going to get hot real quick."

I looked down at him narrowing my eyes. He said "Ooo she's angry." as he jumped off. I busted out into laughter and so did Carlos as he looked at me kissed my forehead and said "I love you." I smiled back saying "I love you to Carlos." as we laid down cuddling together.....


・゚: *・゚:* 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭 *:・゚*:・゚



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The Other Descendant  {Mal's Sister}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora