The Invitation

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      Mike, Jason, and Luke gathered around Mike's phone in the back of their English class.  The clocked flicked from 2:47 to 2:48 on the last day before a three-day weekend in honor of the little-celebrated Easter Holiday.

      Mike took charge of the search on the YouTube app, and silenced the others.  "Back up.  I'll make sure you can see."

      Jason leaned in so that his torso touched Mike's back.  Luke did the same on Mike's left.  They pushed their heads forward over his shoulder to zoom in on the tiny six-inch screen.

      "He gets this sick looking envelope from the Middle Ages that's sealed with wax.  Look."

     On the video, a young man in a tank-top and board shorts stands on a beach.  It's broad daylight, and there are people gathered around to watch him open the envelope.

     "They haven't pulled the video down, yet?"  Luke asked.

     "They can't keep up with all the copies people are making.  Turns out his best viral video is his death."  Mike continued searching for the right video.  "Look, you have to find ones with a watermark or with the formatting skewed."

     "Mike knows his shit, Luke."   Jason said.

     "Let's see it."  Luke added.

      "Here.  Watch."  Mike handed Jason the phone, and Luke moved in to get a better look.

     On the screen, the influencer set up his video.

     "We're here today because I, yes I, Brendan Leleul, have been sent a secret, ancient text from the Illuminati."

      The crowd behind him gave out a collective, long, slow "woo-ooo-ooo". 

     "Apparently, when you get to 50 million subscribers, they let you in.  However, I wasn't ready for something like this."   He flashed a dusty brown envelope with maroon wax seal on it to the crowd.  "Now, I never asked to join, and I haven't been given any rules.  So, I'm guessing I get to open this bad boy up on my channel.  They probably thought my following might help the cause go viral, and I'm ready to help out anyway I can.  If you can't beat 'em.  Join 'em!  Right?!"

    Luke didn't enjoy what he was watching.  "You really believe this shit?"

    Mike scolded him.  "You need to watch what happens next."

   Brendan holds the envelope over his head causing the crowd to cheer him on.  "Let's see what's inside!"

     He tugged at the wax seal, being careful not to rip the centuries-old paper.

    "Don't want to ruin the thing before we get a chance to read it.  It really does feel like it's from fourteen-hundred or something."

     The envelope opened.  Brendan posed for the camera before looking around for anything to blind-side him.  Nothing happened.  He held the letter over his head, drawing more cheers from the crowd.

      "I have it!  I'm still alive!"  Brendan screamed, over-performing a bit.  "Let's read on.  Here we go.  It's, like, in ancient cursive or something.  Give me a second."  He shaded the letter from the sun so that he could make out the words before reading:

     "And for this cause, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie:   That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.  Two Thes-suh-lone-ee-ans two eleven and twelve." 

      Brendan looked around the crowd.  "Um, sorry folks.  I didn't know it would get all churchy on us."  He took a beat as he went on.  "There's more. 'You are number one.'"

     At that moment the letter burst into flames with a blinding flash, destroying itself and burning Brendan's hand.  He dropped it, but the cinders fluttered past his face, through the air, and into the sea.

     Brendan screamed and held his eyes.  The cameraman approached him to see what was wrong, but only saw white's where Brendan's pupils were supposed to be.

      The video cut.

     Luke scoffed.  "Fake."

    Jason added, "They're just setting up the movie he's making.  He just signed a deal with AmazonPrime.  It's all over the blogs."

     The bell rang, but not before Serena from the front of the class, also on her phone, shouted, "They found number two!"

     Mike questioned her, "Blind, too?"

     "'The blind lead the blind out of this bind,' was her message.  She was a model on Instagram.  They're targeting everyone online."

     Mike pushed the shoulders of Luke.  "Believe me, now?"

    Jason's eyes searched for someone to trust.  "What does it mean?"

    Serena said flatly, "Welcome to the end of the world, boys."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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