No Normal Girl, No Normal High School- Ch. 9

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We quickly overtook Brooke, flying through the trees, everything a blur. I was laughing at the exhiliration. Brooke, surprisingly, sped up. We ran next to each other for a while, neither wanting to go faster. Suddenly, though, Matt got a sudden burst of speed and we went about 20 miles faster, consequently leaving Brooke in the dust. All too soon, we reached the edge of the forest. Matt stopped and I slid off. I handed him his clothes and he bounded away into the trees.

About a minute later, he walked back out, grinning. "Come on. Let's go surprise the teacher." He said. I shook my head. "He'd think we cheated." "Which we kind of did." He reminded me. "Even if we hadn't cheated, we wouldn't be able to get here this fast. How fast were we going?" I asked and he shrugged. "Oh well. We won't be going to this school next year, so they won't care about our mile records. Let's at least wait for Brooke to catch up." He nodded and we stood in silence for a few minutes. Suddenly, we saw someone pass us on the track. It wasn't Brooke. Where was she? She should've been here by now. I glanced at him worriedly. "What if she's in trouble? We should go look for her." I said and he nodded. "I won't change back, that takes too long. Let's go. We'll back track." I nodded and followed him back into the forest.

We'd been traveling for about five minutes, when Matt suddenly froze. I looked at him quizically. "I hear something. Come on, let's go check it out." He took a sharp left. I hesitated, but then followed. I started to hear something, too. It sounded like voices. Matt and I ducked down and peeked through the brush. There was a circle of men, all super strong and scary looking. They were glaring at something in the center of their circle. Brooke. "I will ask you once again! Where.Is.He?" One of the men spat. "I don't know who you're asking about." Brooke said, her voice only wavering slightly. "Lies! You smell strongly of him, you bloodsucker. Where is he?!" He spat again, growling. "Marcus." I heard Matt whisper.

"You know him?" I whispered back. "Yeah. He was in my pack. The omega, actually." I nodded, trying to remember what an omega was. Oh yeah! An omega is the third in command, after the alpha and the beta. The alpha was the leader, and the beta was the future alpha, usually the eldest son of the alpha. The omega was either another, younger son, or a trusted friend of the alpha. Right. "Do something! They might hurt her!" I whispered fiercly. Matt sighed. "I ran away to get away from you guys, not to be tracked down." He whispered to himself, then stepped out from the brush we were hiding behind. "Marcus." He called out, voice void of emotion.

The person who had been interrogating Brooke turned. His face hardened, then he bowed. Wait, bowed? Wasn't he the omega? The others took Marcus' lead and bowed, too. "Your Highness." Marcus said. What....? "What are you doing here?" Matt growled, obviously annoyed. "Your father sent us to find you." Marcus replied, straightening. "I didn't want to be found. Go home and tell him that. I left for a reason, and it was not to be found or followed." Matt growled, obviously annoyed. "I would, but your father ordered us to bring you back." Marcus started to take a step forward, but Matt growled menacingly.

Marcus stopped, then stepped back. "Go home, Marcus. Tell my father that if he drags me home, I will only come back." He said. "I knew you would be trouble." I heard Marcus mutter. Almost too fast for me to see, Matt had Marcus pinned by the neck to a tree. Marcus just stood there, looking startled, but he didn't struggle. "Never speak to me that way again. I could rip you in half without a second thought. Never forget that, omega." He growled. Marcus gulped and nodded, dispite his being a head taller than Matt. Matt then stepped back and let go of Marcus' neck. "What'll we do with the bloodsucker, Your Highness?" Marcus asked, gesturing to Brooke. She was glaring at him indignantly. "She is a friend of mine. Leave her be." He said, gesturing for Brooke to come over.

She hesitated, then dashed over and stood behind him, still glaring. I stood up and ran over to them, tackling Brooke into a hug. She wrapped her arms around me, too, and we both glared at them. Marcus glared back at us, then at Matt. "See you soon." He said, nodding his head. Then, him and the others dissapeared into the trees.

No Normal Girl, No Normal High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now