When his eyes came back into focus he found himself on his back on a med in what looked to be a medical room. The two Stern Ritter were over him. If his bladder hadn't already emptied it would have been emptied then. His body shook, his mind wondering what they were going to do to him now. His mouth opened and he mouthed the words "kill me now".

"First you want to live and now you want us to kill you?" Bazz-B shook is head. "You're seriously messed up."

The child's body continued to shake. Cang though spoke up. "You're the one whose messed up. You aren't able to recognize when someone is struggling to keep themselves alive and you aren't able to recognize when someone is afraid that they'll be tortured. You yourself told him that if you had your way you would torture him rather then giving him a clean death.'

"Why do I even put up with you?"

"Because no one else likes putting up with you." Cang's hand reached up to gently touch the boy's face, his thumb prying the boy's mouth open. "I'm going to need a lot of water as well as lots of bandages and medicine."

"Stupid idiot. Do you really think I'm going to help you?"

"His majesty will not be happy if this child dies."

"And yet he sent me to pulverize the kid! That makes no sense!"

"Exposure to your rieatsu was needed to waken his Quincy abilities."

"Yeah... whatever." The other man slipped through the door.

Cang reached over to the pull back the shinigami robes. He stopped short as he saw the boy shake. "I'm not going to hurt you. Well... patching up your injuries is going to hurt, but still." There came a loud crashing sound from outside of the room along with some major cursing. Letting out a deep sigh the man stood back up. "I'll be back. There is something I need to take care of. Just understand that we're family. We're family by blood."

"That... that doesn't make sense."

Quiet came over him for awhile. The door slammed open. "Cang! Buzz-B! Some said you two were heading this way instead of doing what you're supposed to be doing. I don't care if..."

Toshiro's eyes noticed the female and his hand reached out without him realizing what he was doing to touch her sleeve. The female glared at him, slapping his hand away. "What the hell? It's a damn Shinigami." The female's head turned towards the door. "Cang! Buzz-B! His majesties going to be..."

If the boy had been feeling better he would have found what happened next to be funny. Bazz-B came in through the door crashing into the female. "Candice! What the fuck!"

"Watch your tounge. It's no wonder Liltotto has as foul a mouth as she does!" The female poked him in the chest. "What is this Shinigami doing here?"

The man looked at Toshiro, causing the boy's eye's to widen. "Cang's killing blow was prevented by blut."

"Blut? That means though..." The female shook her head. "He's rather beat up though. Those wounds were done by you."

"I got used to awaken his damn Quincy abilities."

The female came over and sat on the bed. "The kids cute. Did you have to do a number on him?"

"Oi! I started off with number one and had to increase to number two!"

"Oh come on, he's just a baby!" The female turned and glared at him.

"A baby! A baby!" The man narrowed his eyes. "This baby shot a giant ice spear at me and tried killing me by pinning me to a wall with said spear. He also wouldn't stop with the fucking attacks."

"Oh come on! He's tiny! And cute! Not to mention the fact he's so young!"

"Oh come on! Liltotto's younger!"

"He's the youngest among the boy's. In fact, almost all of them are around my physical age or older!" The door opened allowing Cang came in followed by a second person. "Are you sure that his majesty will be fine with this?"

"This is part of his plan. You should get back to fighting, all three of you."

"What is he doing here!" Toshiro looked to see a purple haired female looking at him in horror.

"Why isn't she out fighting the captain she stole Bankai from?" Bazz-B flicnedh as the female turned and stormed out of the room, the door slamming as she did so.

"Apparently she can't find him." Cang set a bowl of water down. Before he could grab the cloth and wet it the other female grabbed it.

She wiped away the blood from Toshiro's mouth. "What is his name?"

"He doesn't have a name right now." Bazz-B shook his head. "Apparently we're killing his old self by giving him a new identity."

"Haschwalth Jushiro." Cang spoke.

The female flinched. "He seems like a sweet heart."

"He's a brat."

"Oh shut up."

1000 Years: One Shots (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now