Chapter 2

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*Secrets-Calum loves Hailey-Calum thinks they will never be a couple-Calum finds Hailey's scars*

Calum's POV

I was laying on the couch when I saw Hailey plop down on the couch. She was so beautiful. The way her blonde and brown hair cascaded down her back down to her butt, the way her blue eyes would sparkle especially the black spot on the side of her left eye, her height was perfect for a tall boy like me, and she was just a perfect weight too with the way she had a tiny bit of chubby but not enough to be called fat.

I will admit I have a major crush on Hailey but I know she doesn't like me at all. She's my best friend and she never wants the friendship between us to end and it would break her heart and mine if we ever dated then broke up that we would never talk again. I hate seeing her upset. I was completely zoning out about her but snapped back immediately when I heard her voice speak with that not high pitched tone at all. "Damn its hot today. I'm gonna go put something else on." I just nodded in response. I watched her walk down her straight long hallway to the stairs. Even the way her hips and lower back swayed because of her scoliosis was gorgeous. I whispered profanities under my breath as she walked.

I didn't know she was back down stairs and close enough to hear anything I was saying because she asked me "Why the hell are you saying 'fuck' over and over?" as she giggled that flowy laugh. I didn't know what to say so I said "Nothing my computer has this damn automatic update alert and it won't go away and its pissing me the fuck off." I lied. It felt terrible lying to her. She can't know that I have a major crush on her it would be horrible.

When she came around the couch to come sit back down in her current spot I noticed her shorts went up some and I saw something that a never thought she would ever do, ever want her to think of doing, and never want to think she did. Some said words, some were letters, and some were numbers or lines. I felt my eyes water up but I quickly wiped my eyes, coughed my voice back, and was back to seeming normal but it was no use. "Why? Why Hailey? No! I Don't want you to do this!" I was now pointing to her thigh and crying my eyes out. I couldn't help but cry. Why would she do this and not tell me? What made her do this? What did 'HHCH' mean and why was it crossed out? She just gave me those big blue eyes and she burst out crying. I flew myself up to stand and just look down at her still crying. "Hailey! Why didn't you tell me?" I was losing breath. "I can't do this right now! No! I'll be in my room when you decide to tell me why you would do such a thing!" I didn't know what to say I was so upset I couldn't even breathe.

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