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      "Crap crap crap crap crap!" Lena runs into the kitchen, grabs the mitt sitting on the counter and quickly opens the oven only to curse again when the smell of burnt cookies wafts out towards her. "Kara, open up the windows before the fire alarms go off!"

     Kara jumps off of the couch, using super speed to open all the windows in her living room, then runs to join her girlfriend in the kitchen. "I'm so sorry Lena, I didn't realize how long we had been in there."

     Lena carefully pulls the pan of cookies out, frowning at them, and holds them up in front of Kara, "Could you maybe try and cool these off, or at least blow the smoke out the windows?" Kara nods and takes the pan from Lena, angling herself towards the windows as she lets loose her freeze breath.

     Turning her back on Kara, Lena tries to asses the damage. Lena knew Kara was a messy eater, so it would only reason that she would be a messy baker too. Flour coated every surface in sight; the floor, the counters, even the cabinets. Lena laughs as she notices the flour handprint on one of the cabinets.

     Kara's arms circle around her waist, her chin resting on her shoulder. "What are you laughing at?" Lena lifts her hand to point, and Kara buries her face in Lena's neck chuckling, and presses a kiss there. "It's not my fault you looked so kissable sitting there."

     Lena turns in Kara's arm and gives her a playful glare, "Well that kiss is the reason that our cookies are now rocks, because apparently you couldn't wait until they were done to act like a horny teenager!"

     Kara smirks, and Lena lets out an undignified squeal as Kara's hands grab her under the thighs and wraps her legs around her waist, "Well I didn't hear you complaining when we were acting like 'horny teenagers', you seemed especially eager to make it to second base." Kara wiggles her eyebrows at the brunette and Lena rolls her eyes.

     "You're incorrigible."

     "Yeah, but you love me anyway, otherwise you wouldn't have agreed to bake with me."

     Lena softens and rests her forehead against her girlfriend's. "I love you so much."

     Kara tilts her head up and kisses Lena softly, before tightening her hands and pulling Lena tighter against her. "You know, since we don't have to worry about the cookies anymore, we can finish what we started."

     Lena laughs, happier than she can remember being in a while, "Only if you promise we'll make it past second base this time."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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