Chapter Seven

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When Nick and I built this pack we decided to stray from traditional pack dynamics. Tom, the farmer, had taught us a lot of military tactics from before he retired that we now use. The other packs don't understand our ways but that makes our attacks even more lethal. We have the mindset of soldiers with the strength of a pack. A deadly combination.

"Alright team, how are we doing this morning?" I begin and they all nod and smile, excited for the task at hand. "That's what I like to see. As you well know, there was another rogue attack while Nick and I were away and Jocelyn here let them get away. That is why she will be joining us today on our little excursion and why I will be leaving Julian in charge of the pack while we are away. Terrance will temporarily run border patrol until we return. " Julian's sandy blonde wolf nods at me in respect as well as to Jocelyn. Jocelyn's eye slightly twitches and I try not to smirk. "Julian, you are now interim Third-in-Command. Go on, off you go."

His large sandy blonde wolf nods once more before heading back to oversee the training. I nod at Terrance's black wolf and he trots off towards the border.

"Alright. Now Jocelyn here will lead the way to the rogue camp. I want this slow and painful okay? Come on let me hear it."

"If they don't scream or sob then we didn't do our job." They state in unison. I nod and smile at them. Jocelyn sighs before shifting into her white wolf while the rest do the same.

We run through the forest soundlessly, a difficult task when our wolves are so massive but we succeed. After a while, Fallon's brown wolf playfully nudges me as we run. I grin and nudge her back as we weave through the trees. Jocelyn begins to slow and the rest of us follow suit.

'Alright, team it looks like we're closing in. Follow Jocelyn's orders.' I mind link them and they come to a halt immediately as forty-one pairs of eyes land on me. Jocelyn's brown eyes staring at me in question. 'You want to prove that you can handle things without me. Go ahead. Prove to me that you deserve this title.'

I shift back and lean against a tree while crossing my arms. Jocelyn huffs at me before charging into the rogue camp at full speed. The others look from me to where she ran off in question and I nod at them to follow. As I watch them burst into the clearing I resist the urge to groan out loud. She's already made a mistake by not checking to see how many rogues are in the clearing. There are roughly twenty tents, each one can hold five rogues which means we're looking at about one hundred of them. For any other pack, this would be a problem, not for my little soldiers. We could be outnumbered but never overpowered. That is... if they are being led by Nick and me. With Jocelyn? This could get ugly.

My assumption is proved correct as not even two minutes in, a rogue howls signaling the rest to come trampling in through the forest. I hear as Jocelyn orders them to tackle the rogues from the side and keep them out of the camp. Rolling my eyes I begin to inspect my nails and almost gasp at how uneven they look.

'There's too many of them!' Jocelyn shouts through the link 'We have to fall back!'

Sighing I push myself off of the tree and make myself known. 'Jocelyn that is enough. You are no longer in charge of this team.'

The entire camp comes to a standstill as I stroll into the clearing. The rogues immediately shift their attention to me, sensing the power.

"Which one of you led the attack yesterday afternoon?"

One rogue steps forward and shifts into his disgusting human form with a wide grin on his face "I did."

I study him and nod.

'Attack protocols six and eight. Now.' I order the team and they spring into action immediately. The leader looks at me with amusement as he sees his rogues get ripped apart. That's the thing with rogues, they band together against a common enemy but they show no loyalty for one another. They are selfish creatures with no regard for pack laws.

I smile with pride as my wolves mercilessly tear into the rogues two at a time.

"What is it that you want? Why attack Ember Territory?" I ask as I walk closer towards him, avoiding the battling wolves.

"I hear that you have something that the vampires want. But it's also something that Valatieri wants and if Valatieri wants it then I want it." He answers.

"And who is Valatieri?"

He smirks and I can see in his eyes that he won't be saying anything else. I cock my head to the side and smile wide as my fangs extend. His eyes widen and he shakes his head.

"No. It's not possible." He whispers as he backs away but Drake's charcoal grey wolf pushes him back to me. The team begins to herd in the few remaining rogues.

"I'll ask you again." I say as I come to stand in front of him "Who is Valatieri?"

He remains silent in an attempt to appear fearless but his trembling hands and accelerated heartbeat give him away. After moments of silence, I purse my lips and nod. With a flick of my wrist, the team launches the silver grenades and the ground shakes with the explosion. The silver covering the area causes the rogues to scream as they shift back into their human forms. I smirk as the silver burns my skin.

My chest swells with pride when my wolves don't even flinch against the burning silver. The rogues however, scream and convulse, begging for us to release them. I grab the lighter fluid from my belt and spray it all around. My team begins to back away to the edge of the forest. Smirking at the look of absolute terror in the rogue's face, I light the match. He shakes his head and weakly launches forward just as I toss the match onto him and he catches fire. I turn and walk away as the screams intensify and the crackle of the fire matches the cackling in my mind. Jocelyn stares at me with a look of awe and defeat.


Surprise!!! An update? On a Tuesday!?! I know I know 😬 I was feeling murdery today so 🤷🏻‍♀️  you're welcome 🤣

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