chapter 2:She thanked me

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Sophia POV
I get transferred to this school because of my dad work my mom doesn't really care about it cause we always move because of my dad and I don't mind it either.

When I arrived at school.
there this one boy that caught my eye turn's out he was in my class and he's half Japanese.he save me from bullies and I'm so grateful for that since I haven't make friends yet I gonna think of a way for thanking him.

Chris POV
After I saved her she thanked me with a shy voice,all I did was say your welcome and walk away I don't know what I did was right or wrong shouldn't I ask her something and offer her for a drink while there's still time left. I'm so dumb

Then we meet in class she sit in front of me but I don't mind why would I mind she's not my crush or anything aren't she...That doesn't matter if she is someone to me she wouldn't know it either.

When the class is over I packed my things and get ready to get back home suddenly sophia came to me and say

"hey Chris, wanna go home together today."

I didn't even get to answer and she replied with

"no no,don't get the idea it's just a thank you for saving me earlier"

"sure,if that will make you happy I will head home with you"

did I say the right thing or did I mess up.

"ok then it's decided, shall we go chris"

"sure let's go"

Sophia POV
I decided what I'm gonna do for thanking chris I'm gonna ask him to go home with me.I know it's kinda embarrassing but it's just for today and he probably rejected me.

After class I ask him turns out he accepted it I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea cause I have no feeling for him right? He just a classmate that sit behind me.

On our way home,it was really awkward he never talk not until I ask.

"how is your life?"

"my parents divorce when I was 7 I live alone with my mom but my mom was rarely home so I'm used to be being alone sometimes my mom doesn't even get home to be honest I don't really have a childhood when I was in kindergarten I was bully because of my name and ethnicity people call japanglish for some reason in middle school I only have 1 friend but that didn't last long he started joining club and forget about me that's why I didn't have friends in highschool I don't like to socialize I think this is the first time I go home with someone" 

after hearing that now I know why he run from me when he saved me he didn't do it to act cool that's just how he is someone cannot change because other people that easily just by seeing him like this I know that he is loyal and nice on the inside I wish I get to see his nice side one day.

He said he going to drop me off first and then he go back home I said to him

"let's go to a cafe over there,Chris"

he just nodded

After that we head home.

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