I'm Snazzy (26)

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You got invited to join, 'Minecraft, but we can only see one chunk' They were supposed to record it a few days ago when you had gotten better but a lot of things popped up in yours and Dream's schedule... You were currently with George, you opened your mouth to say something to him but Nick said, "I'm SNAZZY!" Dream stuttered and said, "Y-Yeah y-y-you're very... Ugly..." You held in your laugh as Nick said in the SADDEST voice ever, "What..?" You quietly chuckled as Dream said, "You're beautiful in your own way" and made kissy noises to Nick, Nick laughed and bit and kissed back. They both stopped while laughing and Dream said, "Oh my god... I'm cutting this out." Nick was still laughing and said, "N-No!" You started laughing with George.

---timE sKip---

"So what was you and Nick making out about?" You teased and Dream started laughing, "H-He's my-" He started to wheeze, "MineCraft BOYfriEnd" His voice had cracked and you started laughing the said jokingly, "What am I then?" He smiled calming down, "My lover/girlfriend/boyfriend" You smiled as he ruffled your hair. You grabbed his hand as he was moving to get some food, he looked at you in confusion as you just kissed it. He jokingly started fangirling(?) You laughed as he just stopped all together instantly. He went into the kitchen while you just rolled over onto the floor in boredom (Am I the only one who does that?) You sighed and closed your eyes even though you heard Dream coming back over to you, Then you felt a weight on you. You quickly opened your eyes to see Dream laying on you with his arms wrapped around you, "Are we gonna sleep here tonight, because I'm comfortable." You smiled, "Its only 11pm Clay." You saw him smile, "Alright then, we're going to watch a movie!" He got up and helped you up. "Cuddles?" He asked and you just snickered and nodded, He laid down and you laid on top of him. He moved so his head was laying on your neck and his arms wrapped around your waist.

---Timeskip with Dream POV now (Wow first POV change)---

I heard soft snore's coming from Y/N, I picked her up and carried her to our. I laid down putting her head on my chest, I pulled up the covers above her shoulders. God I love them... I thought, I just hope they say yes...



𝕊𝕙𝕦𝕥 𝕞𝕖 𝕦𝕡 ~ A Dream x Reader fanfic ~FinishedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon