3: It's Never Nothing

Start from the beginning

"Come on. My room is upstairs it's got the best view," I said looking over my shoulder as I walked towards the stairs.

"I'm sure it does," he said grabbing me around the waist.

"Sook's up there too we have to be quiet," I laughed.

"That can happen." He smirked.

We were just about to go upstairs when his head snapped towards the living room door and he leaped towards it. A wolf came around the corner and I grabbed the gun Sookie had given me and pulled the trigger. The next few things happened so fast I had no idea what was going on. Eric jumped in front of the bullet. I screamed. The werewolf jumped on Eric. Next thing I knew the were was dead and he was bleeding out all over Sookie's rug.

There were footsteps running down the hallway. Sookie and Lily appeared. "Holy shit," Was all Lily said before retreating back to her room.

"He's bleeding all over my rug," Sookie commented.

"Sorry," Eric said.

I coughed. "Well, um, we'll go get rid of this. Come on Eric."

I grabbed a shovel before we went out and Eric slung the guy over his shoulder. We walked out to a place in the woods and Eric started digging.

"I thought we were going to talk to him? You saw that mark and freaked. It's got to mean more that what you told me."

"It's nothing."

"If it was nothing you'd be thinking rationally."

"It brings back bad memoires," he said.

"I can tell. But I could've listened to his thoughts," I said.

"Rachel, you don't understand how dangerous werewolves are. When they're had vampire blood their even a challenge for me."


"I did what I had to do to protect you."

I sighed. "Well I did hear something about Jackson, isn't that a city somewhere?"

"Jackson Mississippi, he had a Mississippi accent."

"I'm from Colorado I wouldn't know." I shrugged. "I need to go there. Sookie and I need to leave like now! Come with me?"

"I can't. The two of you shouldn't go alone either," Eric said as we walked back to Sook's house.

"Well we aren't just going to sit here."

"I'll figure something out. At least take the day to think about before you rush up there."

"Maybe. If something does happen, you'll feel it won't you?"


"How long will it take you to get to Jackson?" I asked.

"Too long." He paused. "I don't want you to go."

"I have too."

He nodded and kissed the top of my head.

"I know."


The next morning Sook and I went to tell Sam that we would be missing a few days of work. Afterwards we went home and I started helping her wash her rug. We had been scrubbing for a while when I heard someone thinking behind us. I grabbed Sookie's arm. We both jumped up and ran into the house.

"Wait!" The guy yelled.

He grabbed me. Sookie started trying to pull him off. "Let go of me! I know what you are!"

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