Scared - Part 5

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"W-who are you?" Gempa said shakily.

One would assume that Gempa was talking to Taufan but on closer inspection it was definite that those words nor eyes, were not directed toward Taufan or any of the brothers.

But rather towards the person who was infront of them.

They were all dumbfounded.

"What are you saying Gempa? That's Commander Koko Ci. Our commander." Hali who was the first to regained his composure, spoke in disbelief.

However this only futher added the confusion, as Gempa slowly shaking his head and answered. "....Gem...don't know.....Gem rweally don' Hali."


"Eh!? You remember Hali but you forgot about commander? Must be because he is forgettable, right Gempa? How sad." Gopal wipe his tear with a handkerchief to show his pity.


"AHHHHH!!! I'm sorry commander!!!" Gopal screamed as commander proceed to smacked his head in anger.

"Huh, that's what you get for being unpopular, unlike me." Fang huffed with confidence believing that he will be recognised unlike those minor characters.

"Brother Taufan, why does he looks like a purple hedgehod?"

Gempa replies shock Fang so badly he began to sob at the edge of the room repeating 'purplehedgehodpurplehedgehodpurplehedgehod....'

Leaving some of the people to stare at him with pity while majority snicker. Gempa saw how upset the purple hedgehog person was and immediately asked to be put down by Taufan and made his way to him.

"Gem...sowry...don't be sad." Gempa said with an apologetic look.

Fang was so touched by Gempa, he went for a hug but was met with a cold hard floor instead. He later regretted ever rising up his head only to be faced with a defying glare from the the reincarnation of Thor himself. Except more red in color and deadly.

"Don't. Touch. Him." Hali warned with a snarled as he pushed Gempa to Taufan's arm.

Fang could feel the static in the air but upon realizing the unfair treatment he was getting, Fang teased "Geez...relax. Don't you think you're a bit too overprotective?"

"Don't you think you're a bit too narcissistic?" Hali bites back as his hands were ready to electrocute him.

A block of ice seperating them was what made them finally stop their cold war and concentrate back on the matters at hand.

"Umm ...where are we? Who are these guys? And why are you guys so big." Gempa questioned while spreading his arms to emphasize his point.

"They are our friends. Gopal, Fang, Yaya and Ying. And well, you are the one who is small, Gempa. Not us." Taufan tried his best to answer all his questions.




"So to sum it all, it seems like Gempa's memory and physical form revert back to when he is a toddler, to be exact, a 4 years old." Solar concluded after conducting a simple questioning with little Gempa.

From the conner of his eyes Solar could see, Daun and both of the girls were happily picking a new set of clothes for Gempa as his normal ones was a bit too big for his current size.

After numerous battering, they finally agreed on a brown cat onesie with peach and gray spots. And to be honest it does looks cute on him but since when did they have a onesie collections in the ship?

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